Man theres always a drug war on. Its prob safer than where u live. go, enjoy urself. I've been tha last 4 years and never seen anything
I think every year I go they have some sort of warning out...two years ago was drug war, last year was swine flu, this years drug year will be Irish midgets that escaped from the dallas fort worth area last Most of the violence is on the border towns and where the smuggling takes place, like the california side....Ive been watching the news and the warnings also, but id be more worried about our own State then going to Cancun, with all the stuff we have going on lately lol....enjoy your trip
Dear god!!! Those midgets play for keeps too, better add a cup to my packing list for my next trip! You're safe in the hotel zone. Just don't get cocky about wandering into residential areas or shady parts of town and all will be well in my humble opinion.
The US goverment would rather see all the spring breakers stay n spend money in the states thean go to mexico. So every year around this time they put a travel warning
from what I've read up here is that the majority of the drug war is conducted closer to the boarder with the US. Cancun is about as safe as any other North American city.
I was worried too....but then I map quested it......Cancun is over 2000 miles away from Ciudad Juarez......I was also thinking, I live in one of the safest cities in the US, but over the past weekend.....a city about 15 miles from us had 5 people killed due to gang related violence. It does seem safer in Mexico....I am going!!!!!
Every trip my family tells me how dangerous it is. None of them have been there of course. I am more comfortable walking around Cancun unarmed than I am in Boston. Shotgun, are you at all concerned about whatever safety implications there may be for you after whatever violence there has been in Houston this year? You should be because it is as close to you as border towns are to Cancun. From Cancun to Juarez would take 42 hours by car. Thats longer than NY to LA.
I would never feel safe either in a Red Sox infested area LMAO...j/k...but good point about the distances.