In Dec, I had the bikinis ready several days out but we didn't pack until 11pm the night before a 5am flight. Your way is better. We were freaking out about forgetting stuff.
She had all of her gear laying out 4 weeks in advance, packed her bag last night (1 week out) and I will probably pack 30 minutes before we pull out of our driveway on the way to the airport!:icon_cool:
Ah the same is true way up here in the north...though she has had her stuff (for the most part...the lingerie keeps getting smaller and smaller) laid out since the evening that we booked the for me, if I forget it, I didn't need it! now, in two weeks we will be at the sexy pool, drink in hand...and yes, we are counting! :icon_cool::aktion033:
HAHA My Wife prepares all year and a month before we leave she puts many hours into what she is going to take and packs about 2 weeks before we go. It is fun for her so let it happen.... As long as she is happy, My world is great.......
I haven't started packing yet but getting things ready. I have started washing the summer clothes that we are taking and gathering things, its never to early to pack.
yeah um I'm not leaving until March 10th and I already have my huge toiletries luggage packed and throwing stuff everyday into the big hot pink suitcase! It's called being excited.... and that way.... i cant forget anything! I usually pack "For real" like the week and a half before.... then go through trial and error weighing it and removing things.... like too many clothes etc.