I only know how to speak a little Spanish, and was wondering if I should learn more before we arrive. How helpful is it to be able speak Spanish at Temptations, and also in other parts of Cancun? Do many of the Temptation employees speak English?
Very funny. LMAO... I was just thinking as I posted this question that people would be disappointed that there nothing sexual about my post, UNLIKE of many of the other threads. You took care of that pretty quickly.
You sound like fun, but we're booked in May. I'd be interested to see if you (Ellie, not Dave) actually wore that pink see-thru micro pictured in that other thread.
Just join one of the dirty Spanish classes on the beach - always useful - chinos is excellent teacher of all you will need. Tried speaking Spanish but always revert back to English as my Spanish is that bad they don't understand or it's a shock for the waiters
Damn- you beat me to that!! LOL. Ron y Coka, por favor (rum and coke please) and Muchas Gracias (thank you very much) are two more that may come in handy...
Some necessary Spanish for TTR Banos (bon yose ) restroom cervesa (ser vay sa) beer en rocas ( en rogh as) on the rocks coke light ( another easy one) diet coke y (e) and por favor ( pour fa vore ) by your favor or thank you Bacarde y coke light en rocas por favor - bacardi and diet coke on the rocks, thank you dose vervesas por favor. two beers please and DON"T forget gracias (grassy ass) thank you. que? ( k? ) what? shrimps (ok that one's easy) shrimp (it's always plural in Mexico) quantos? (kwan toes) how much? donde es? (don d s) where is? (then fill in whatever you are looking for? ) donde es el banos (men's restroom) la banas is the ladies room pronto ( easy one) hurry yp - this word is never spoken at TTR unless you are heading to the banos Kmart (K mart) Kmart huevos (where goes ) eggs fritos - (yup, just like the corn chips) fried So in the morning when everyone else is getting omelets, you can smile at Rosa and say ( dose huevos fritos, por favor ) and you will get 2 eggs over easy. Don't forget to tip your new friend Rosa Special phrases for TTR What a F&*k? - What THE F&*k? holy cheat - I think you can figure that one out I hope this helps. Jim