Does anyone know of a good place to buy ingredients for baking? Im on the hunt for the REAL stuff, like rye, wholegrain etc. Moderately impressed by the gazillion varieties of "Wonder White" and similar bun-type breads. I have tried both Bimbo and Wonder´s so called "integral", but they reek of preservatives and such. So, Im looking at making my very own, healthier bread, but havent really been impressed by the various ingredients that can be found in Wal mart, Mega and such. Appreciate any and all suggestions
We've been making our own bread for years - you can find whole wheat flour (integral) in all the supers and ask at the panaderia where to get levadura. I get ours at Sams now but used to go to a specialty shop for the large quantity size.
Kathy: I have found the integral flour, but that and the regular wheat-flour seems to be the two options I manage to stumble upon. Used several of the integrals, but wasnt that impressed. I want darker stuff, and variety. Many places seem to make their own bread, so Im assuming it is available "somewhere"...
I have gotten the Levadura/Yeast, at Mega, from a shelf at the end of the bakery section, more or less against the wall on the right side of the store. Yesterday I saw they had fresh pumpernickel on display but I think it was at the back of the store, to the right of the bulk bins, where you can find a few interesting things. Good that you can buy as much or as little as you wish. Maybe Susylo will weigh in on this. She is the "Baking Queen" who has joined the board lately. She posted this not long ago: Pretty sure she was speaking of Chedraui at Plz Las Amer. I went there and found flour clearly labeled as "All Purpose". I think it was Gold Medal but threw away the package and put it in Tupperware. Good luck Rawkus.
T.J: Thanks. What Im looking for is the type of ingredients that are in pumpernickel etc. I have no problem finding "regular" integral flour at all, but its not dark enough for me. Many places serve several types of healthier bread, so there has to be a place where one can get the stuff, haha I wonder if approaching the bakeries directly could do the trick?