just saw this on CNN.com: http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/asiapcf/04/08/baby.heads.ap/index.html?iref=mpstoryview
Ok, but I dont get it. Will she have 2 different personalities on each side? Will they share the same thoughts, talk at the same time? Or will one side not move or talk at all? I'd like to follow up on this in five years, since they dont want to go to the doctor.
LoL.... those are some good questions.....makes you wonder!!!!!!...when you said that I got a mental picture of the two faces talking at the same time because they did say both faces were normal and functioning.....
yikes. That means they'll both be talking. Depending on how much of that brain they share. 1 body though. So when its time to go to the bathroom, I guess they'll both agree. "you feel that?" "yup". And how would they decide WHO'S in charge of the motor functions, like running and walking, eating. And eating!!! Whut the hell, do they share 1 throat for food to go down. How big will the stomach be...enough for 2 appetites? What if the other is not that hungry? And are they even considered twins? Will they get 2 separate I'ds and Socials? I can go on and on pondering. But I hope they thrive and live a good life.