Just returned from our latest trip to TTR. Got to thinking what you'd like to see improve or added to TTR to enhance your vacation? Which is to say what one (or two) things would you do if you were TTR general manger for the day? We have a few ideas/thoughts on how to tweak the whole experience, (without having to raise room rates) but are very curious if other ppl have the same brain waves. Our #1 item to improve is the music in PaddyO's and around the pool. (We have a few more) Any1 else have any items p.s. this is not intended as a TTR bashing thread, we luv the joint, so plz don't dump on the hotel.
Less focus on taking people off the resort and night and more focus on having people party at Nice Shoes - at least a couple times a week.
Oh boy, here we go again. I like the topic though. 1. Employ someone to police inappropriate camera use. Here is what I posted on the camera board... My thought is best option is to have a couple signs that explain a policy and that policy being something like... Be respectful with your camera. Ask first. Camera use is to the discretion of the resort and disrespectful behavior will not be tolerrated! then have 1 person on staff that primarily works off tips who hangs around at lingerie night and prime time pool events and who can politely ask those crossing the line to cool it. Also guests who think someone is crossing the line (like creepy surfer dude) can ask for assistance. Now I sure would tip this guy enough money daily to make this a profitable position that would not cost the resort much money. What is min wage in Mexico? The person would need to be trained how to politely ask and really simply serve as a deterrent along with the signs. He would not take any cameras or have any authority to do anything except ask nicely. He is not the camera police. He is not taking away any freedoms. He is only approaching people in the most obvious situations. So he would not approach groups taking those memory pics we all love. This guy (or girl as that may even work better) would obviously be able to tell the difference. After all they would be the respectful camera experts. 2. Pool music. Hire a DJ like they have on Saturdays for every day. The mix tape they play that is 20 secs of Sweet Home Alabama followed by 20 seconds of Boom Boom Pow followed by 20 seconds of Comfortably Numb is just horrible. We think the pool scene would of been even better other days of the week if they had the Saturday DJ there.
I would promote the staff and guests to come up with little impromptu contests whenever it gets boring around the pool. Stupid human tricks, anonomous favorite bikini of the day, all sorts of little 5 minute things that get people interacting and give them something to talk about. As much as I enjoy being around that pool I seem to always be waiting for the party to start.
Bring back "anything Goes" If u dont dressup, u cant enter lingerie casino nite Make more of an effort to get the party going at Patty o's
agree on the casino nite i went one year in my boxers and all the guys that were there looked at me kinda funny - guess they were jealous of the package not sure but ever since that night i just said "f it" im wearing shorts and a t shirt if there were requirements that all entering had to dress the part then wouldb e better
Well Rob, i dress up n dont care who else does lol actually last year i say 80-90% of the people in nice shoes were dressed for the part. it was awesome
More night activities in the Nice Shoes bar and less "dance" routines. Better music in the nice shoes bar to keep the crowd around longer.
ALL GREAT IDEAS!! The "keep the party going, instead pushing people to got the clubs" idea has been around as long as I've been on CC. It's cheaper (less booze), less hassle (get the drunks off-campus) and compensates the entertainment staff (they get a commission on the sale). So I don't think we'll see that one happen. Marsh
I would make the check-in nicer...maybe someone serving welcome drinks. And do a nice map of the property-showing the hours of operation that you could carry with you. I've lost my room sometimes and a map would have helped. Since they are very strict about check-out, rooms should be available upon check-in. A courtesy room for freshing up and a change of clothing would be nice when your room is not ready. Checking-in could be alot more welcoming!artytime: