Immigration Debate

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by v8eyedoc, Nov 2, 2011.

  1. v8eyedoc

    v8eyedoc Regular Registered Member

    Jan 2, 2010
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    I don't know why all of you ex-pats living in Cancun are so concerned about your immigration status...??????? In the USA, we now have over 15 million illegal Mexicans living here....!! They never seem to be worried about their immigrant status!!!!

    In fact!!!!!! We have so many laws which are on the books which are never enforced - regarding illegal immigrants.....I wonder why they are still on the books,,??

    Governor Rick Perry of Texas just signed legislation which allows the children of illegal immigrants to attend any state college - FREE OF CHARGE!!!!!!!!!!!! While citizens of Texas must PAY the going state rate for in-state residents............!!! AND, out-of-state residents MUST pay the out-of-state tuition, which is much higher than for residents (legal!) of Texas.......!!!!!

    In the Republiik of Kalifornia - Governor Jerry Brown just signed a bill into law - which allows ILLEGAL IMMIGANTS from Mexico to drive LEGALLY - with a Mexican ID card and no driver's license - at all........!!!!!!!!

    Can I drive ANYWHERE in the usa - with just my social security card and NO driver's license.???????????? I THINK ALL OF YOU KNOW THE RIGHT ANSWER!!!!!!
  2. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    Mexico has one of the most liberal immigration regimes I've ever seen, anywhere in the world; that, combined with the appeal to many of living in Mexico, has resulted in what the U.S. Government estimates at there being more than one million U.S. citizens currently living in residence in Mexico.

    Those who fully understand the requirements of the status of Visitante Rentista in Mexico, one of the most popular among expats living here, will also recognize that literally tens of millions of Mexican citizens could qualify for the equivalent of a Visitante Rentista status in the U.S., and have residency there- if the laws of the U.S. were equally liberal.

    The Mexican Citizen could enter the U.S., with permission to stay 180 days, during which he could apply for a change of status to Visitante Rentista and receive permission to stay, indefinitely, subject to annual renewals (under the old law), and with permanent permission to stay, under the new law.

    :mexicoflag: Viva Mexico!
  3. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    Scorpio: Certainly NOT trying to start yet another debate about "terrorists, refugees" etc, but: Wouldnt it be "wiser" to oppose those that GIVE all this? If someone offers me a car for free, Id take it, and Id be very surprised if the anger was directed at me, rather than towards the person that gave me the free car(example only)...

    One can spin this in all directions, something that the "oh now, we are not racist!" Sweden Democrats know all about. Ill give you a hint: Many "white" Canadians oppose all this, yet have no problem seeing the native inhabitants, living in designated areas etc. Note: I do NOT think that "two wrongs make a right", but Im simply trying to show how easy it is to twist it into something that benefits YOUR hatred. When I say "your", I dont mean you Scorpio, but rather the average "you".

    Sweden is very lenient towards immigrants, but then we also make truly f*cked up decisions: Two examples from last week:

    1: A 91-year old Ukrainian lady that suffers from various diseases, including Alzheimer's(or similar), was hours from being deported, even though she has a whole heap of years in the country and has all her family in Sweden, including daughter and granddaughter... It all took a funny turn when the newspapers spread the word(our "lovely" Right wing coalition wanted to keep it secret...) and due to a LOT of people weighing in, she got to stay. A 93 year old retiree that recently moved to Thailand, said: "She can take MY place in Sweden! I dont mind." :)

    2: A 19-year old kid was deported the other day. One problem: The Swedish immigration couldnt decide where he was from, so they chose Tanzania out of 3 options... Turned out to be the wrong country, and now Tanzania wants to deport him...

    Two examples, that obviously do NOT set the standard, but still, messed up if you ask me.

    Meanwhile, the Balkan and Russian(former Soviet) mafias are killing, extorting etc, openly, all over Stockholm. Once arrested, nothing...

    Id gladly let the old lady and the 19-year old refugee stay, rather than house these scum that are messing up a country, completely.

    Ps. Not even going to bring up the US demanded deportations to Egypt, Algeria etc. that our lovely Govt have conducted, ending with several of them being tortured and killed upon arrival... I guess Im trying to say: Blame the guilty ones. Such as our Govt that refuse to initiate new integration programs, and that support segregation("Ahhh, you live here, whilst the Swedes live over there...")
  4. v8eyedoc

    v8eyedoc Regular Registered Member

    Jan 2, 2010
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    Oh my God.......!!! I am just so sick of "PC" in the USA.......!!!!

    Some dumb lawyer has taken it upon himself to sue - CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY in Washington, DC on behalf of about 100 Muslims who are students there and have no place to pray to Allah 5 times a day in any room that does not have Catholic statues of saints or crosses on the wall.........!!!! DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH......!!!!!!!! Guess what.????????? these students do not even care.!!! BUT we have another PC lawyer stepping up to the plate....!
  5. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    Scorpio: Haha, was afraid of the multiple "!!!!!!!", CAPS Lock etc. ;)

    Im curious how you know that "most" refugees only want to suck welfare. It sounds exactly like the crap-aganda that Sverige Demokraterna(Sweden Democrats) dish out, daily...

    I also admire the fact that you "know" that they do NOT want to learn the language, that they do NOT want to work etc.

    I do know about the benefits of most Natives. I had the pleasure of both studying with several groups of Aboriginals in Australia, as well as simply live with them for several weeks.

    They were given a LOT of stuff, "for free", yet, for some strange reason, theyd rather be involved in decisions regarding their own nation, community etc, they rather wanted to study, to work, to be looked upon like any other citizen... But hey, they got weekly handouts, free living etc. How dare they complain, right?

    The text you quote, mentions "reserves", several times over. It sure sounds cozy and great to have it all for free, yet be limited(in many ways), to a reservation.

    You see it all in black and white, which is unfortunate, and, on top of it all, makes it hard for me to even take you seriously. Fresh in my mind: "Hordes of welfare sucking refugees" when a racist bastard blew up the Labour Party´s office in Oslo, and then resorted to kill a huge amount of young Norwegians, simply because they attended a summer camp, arranged by the "scary" Labour Party... That made it clear to me just how fast you are when it comes to jumping on the bandwagon. Sad, really... I wonder if Sweden would have let you stayed - would you be less bitter?

    Edit: Heres a dilemma for you: Many newly arrived immigrants in Sweden dont get the proper papers to work etc, until several years, one of the worst scenarios being an Iranian man who waited 11 years(!!) to be able to start working. That doesnt leave many options: Welfare or illegal work. I hope I dont have to point out which choice would/could be devastating for the person in question... Or he could just have jumped on a plane back to Iran, and been hung the very same day.

    Regarding the "kid": He arrived to Sweden at the age of 15, after his brother was tortured and executed. He didnt pay for his trip, as it wasnt his choice to flee. Many people manage to travel quite far without cash and a whole lot of them die whilst trying. Also, if you to the Northern part of Africa its not far at all to cross over to Europe.

    This kid caught up with several years of school when he arrived, learned the language and was on his way to complete his Civil engineer education. Speaks pretty much flawless Swedish, and was involved in several youth groups, with activities such as soccer, dancing etc. But hey, what a bastard, right?

    If youd read what I wrote, you would have seen that I blamed the Govt for the Russian and Balkan mafias...

    The issue is that even when we got big groups of people from Somalia, the Govt put those with chopped off hands into detention centers, whilst those whom committed those acts, showed enough cash, gold and such to get their permanent residency papers right away. Money and blood talks, "even" in Sweden.

    I dont blame you for being angry, but I can never even pretend to sympathize with you when you clearly have a twisted view of EVERY asylum seeker/refugee.

    The day you start judging people one by one(their personalities etc), then Im sure you will lighten up. Try it, it wont kill ya. ;)
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2011
  6. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    This is what Im talking about: With a 15 year old kid, you question his wealth etc, yet with the Mafias, you blame the Department of Immigration...

    I bow out of this discussion as of now, as its not going to lead anywhere.

    You know I dont mind speaking to you, but this subject is best left alone if you ask me. :)

    If you want the last word, then have it.

    Cheers mate.
  7. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    Even without the "rosy eye glasses", you keep claiming that they all do the same... Sad, really.

    So, you(again), judge an entire group of people, based on a "5 min" conversation? If I were to judge your nationality, based on well over 5 mins of writing and exchanging opinions, it wouldnt be a pretty picture. Would you feel comfortable with that? To act as the "model" of your own people?

    If Id do the same with, lets say with Texans, then I should feel strongly against both TJ and V, right? Good thing I, even as a 5 year old boy, understood that actions/opinions of a few, does not represent the entire group of people/nationalities... Pheuw!

    I did specify "in many ways", didnt I? Lets say a business owner has the same way of judging people like you, then how big of a chance would a native have when it comes to getting that available position..? If you think its all fair for both natives and "regulars"(sorry for the bad choice of word, blame it on the tea that made me sleepy), then think again: They may have the same opportunities as "regular" citizens, but with people like yourself, they wont get far...

    Again: THEY choose not to? You sure its 100% of the refugees? Funny, since I have friends who's family own businesses of various sorts, and hire refugees/immigrants, that apply for the jobs advised... But hey, if YOU say its "like this", then who am I to argue, right?

    Youre not, sorry to say... You trying to implement your bitterness and anger into everyone. The good thing is that most people above, Id say the age of 10, can differentiate between "some" and "all"... Heck, "all" Mexicans are cartel folk, right?

    Examples: A fairly large number of +60 year old Swedish men, travel to Thailand, Vietnam, Brazil etc. to engage in certain activities with girls and boys whom are under aged. By your standards, that would mean that my two uncles are the same, right?

    Russian mafia executing people in Stockholm = all Russians are the same?

    Balkan mafia = see above.

    All Norwegian men are mass murderers whom base their hatred on skin color, religion etc.?

    Im sure you get the point. If not, then I consider you a lost cause when it comes to unbiased thinking.

    Ps. Ive never once seen you write a single bad thing about those "born and raised" whom are on welfare, by choice. Or do we leave that aside, as it would further mess up a already twisted theory about "all" immigrants..?
  8. matkirk

    matkirk Guru Registered Member

    Apr 30, 2007
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    Interesting debate lads.

    Some good points from both sides.

    When does being accepting and PC cross the line into reverse discrimination.

    Is it right that employers have to have a quota of certain people based on skin and sex, rather than based on ability?

    Do people's backs get up because they feel that if they went to "the immigrants" country would they be afforded the same rights - a christian place to pray, welfare if needed etc?

    Ahhh religion, then bane of many a society, I'm sure without it we'd all get along better or would we just find something else to divide ourselves by?

    Refugees are one thing - fleeing persecution
    Immigrants - allowed to be there by our governments and hired by companies in our countries - can't complain about that
    Illegal immigrants - different kettle of fish need to be dealt with, either given papers or sent home.

    Me personally, I just despise laziness whoever you are, I despise people who think they are owed something for nothing regardless of race or where you're from. But I also think there needs to be a safety net of sorts should you fall.

    Whether you motivated by money, helping others, religion, you just have to be the best person you can be, tolerant to an extent, firm when needed.

    The over 60's post war generation created this world for us of uncertainty, of a lack of a job for life, of a lack of a pension when we get old etc. etc. while they enjoy their fat cat pensions and sit in their club chairs complaining of the state of the world today, even though they were the captains of industry that led us down this path.

    And behind it all the bankers and the lawyers get richer and richer :)

    What am I rambling on about!
  9. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    Scorpio: Will try to keep it short(lol).

    No, Im not for "entitlement" based on skin color etc.

    All I did was question your way of labeling every refugee as a "welfare sucking" something.

    My bad regarding entire nations, but still, it doesnt make a difference as you keep stating the point that ALL of them are the same.

    You do realize that ALL of them, means 100%? Im trying to put it simple and plain, in hopes that you will at least be able to think "some, many, a few" etc. instead of ALL of them. Your argument of "talking to someone for 5 mins" is as silly as it can get. You use 5 short mins, to judge an entire group of people(refugees, asylum seekers etc.) 5 mins... Think about the time, think about the various nationalities, think about the various backgrounds, reason why some have chosen to flee etc. Then repeat: Is 5 mins really sufficient? And, not to forget, one person. If some of the locals Ive met, would get the same judgment as you dish out, then Id be HATING Mexico, Mexicans and everything about the place. Maybe thats why you are so bitter about Cancun?

    Its not about "PC" or "non-pc", its about reality: Your way of labeling an entire group, is outright dangerous. I dont sugarcoat immigration, but I sure as hell dont judge all of them, based on a few. Its like having an election where the candidate with the fewest votes, wins ;)

    On the quota in workplaces, I have never disagreed. Sweden was one of the first to implement that stupid crap, starting with female v/s male.

    One summer I worked with elderly people, suffering from Alzheimers. I only got the job, due to me being a guy... What do you think happened when my female colleagues found out? Lets say it wasnt pleasant, at all.

    Id love for you to meet some of the asylum seekers back home whom all have been waiting for papers to at least be able to start working, in many cases +7 years... I dare you to say the same thing to them, not because they would hurt you, but because you live in a bubble when it comes to stereotyping people. What would you tell em? "Go get a job, regardless!"? That way, they run a great risk of getting caught, thrown in jail, and then deported. Would you tell them that they are lazy and are simply there for the free ride?

    Try to put yourself in the exact same situation: You WANT to work, you HAVE a job lined up, yet they tell you "Oh, Sir... Be patient and wait for another 6-9 years and then well get you sorted, depending on the outcome of your asylum application, ok?"

    So, here you are, unable to leave the country(as long as your application is being processed), unable to work, etc. You get spat on by people that have the exact same way of thinking as you do when it comes to refugees...If you do insist on working(illegally), you will hear "boooo! Youre stealing OUR jobs!!!" and when you are waiting for all these years, you will hear stuff like "lazy f*cking immigrant!" etc.

    If people can look behind it, then even the rejects that vote for the Sweden Democrats, could get the entire picture.

    I dont ask for you to "like" every person that arrives to "your" country, but I do ask for you to realize the difference in some v/s all.

    If you insist, then we have hit a dead end, as I dont have enough energy to repeat it all. :)

    Id like to think you are smarter than this, as it sure as hell doesnt take much to be realistic and use pure logic.

    Your background should help you with this, as your nation of birth has experienced quite a lot when it comes to oppression an such.

    By all means, judge people, but do it individually. Its hardly too much to ask for.

    Remember: This is NOT meant as an attack on you, but rather a discussion. Dont take to personal, and if you do, please ask me and Ill clarify. Promise.

    Now its Friday night and I have a 6-pack of Modelo Especial to destroy, hehe.

    Cheers, Salud, Skål, Kippis, Prost, будьмо! ;)
  10. gabesz

    gabesz Addict Registered Member

    Oct 31, 2006
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    Forgive me but does the lawyer realize the name Catholic Univeristy implies relegious statues and photos all over the place?

    Try to enter Mecca and have them remove photos of Allah or any religious objects and see what you get. Perhaps the lawyer needs to make that attempt. And if he is still alive after that then let him file his case.

    The sad problem here is not the lawyer filing this againts the school. Its the court even accepting this to review the case. Why not just reject this claim outright and go from there. Perhaps if the courts stop accepting these absurd cases the lawyers would stop filing them.
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