...but I just booked airfare for next month and October/Nov and thought I'd fish around a bit for March for the hell of it. I got a quote on the computer for $68.50 for March 6-10. I'm sure it's a computer glitch but I booked it!!! Just checked my debit card and all that came out of my account was $68.50 and already got my confirmation by e-mail. Not bad!! :lol:
68.50?! holy moly thats cheap! good work .. guess thats proof to shop around and snap up a bargain when you find one! tim
I'm sure that's more than a bargain..it has to be a computer glitch. But I don't care...it's booked and paid for and I have my confirmation. :lol:
A couple years back there was an airline, forget which one, but they had a computer glitch in the system and ended up selling tickets for 19 cents!! Good going Karan! Michelle
It's probably gone. I can't reproduce it with NYC. Even using 3/6-3/10 CVG<->CUN, it came out to $692.85
I think what it should have been is $685.00. The computer probably puit the decimal point in the wrong place. Bad for them...good for me. :lol: