Guys, It will be our first time at TTR in June and I am reading quite a few posts about people getting ill. Have you tried to narrow this problem down? Is it people using the tap water to brush teeth/drink or something more serious like the food or the ice for drinks being made from tap water? I work in the Middle East so I know how to avoid this type of thing and have a gut of iron, I am just concerned for my girlfriend. Thanks for any feed back. Tony
The posts are old from Second week of april ( I was there) Every thing seems to be fine know Bring your usual meds and practice safe sex. lol
The water in the resort (from the taps, at the bars, showers, in the ice makers) is all potable. (drinkable) as are most resorts.. I used to buy bottled water across the street but they started putting bottles in the room. I drink a lot of water anyway, plus it helps avoid hangovers. The water is treated and to me, smells like sulfur and doesn't taste very good (Not noticeable in the ice) but it safe. I also buy hand sanitizer that I keep in my room..
Safe sex is everything, always have a spotter and a safe word. Yet for some reason Dehli belly puts women off, for us guys it's just a delay tactic Thanks for the heads up guys. I have always wanted to visit M exico and the last few days have brought some horror reports on this forum. It won't put us off though, bring on the fun and games
Kmachte...A Texan I see, just spent a couple weeks in Amerillo a few months ago. I work for your DOD..Yes a Brit long story we can share over a beer. I'm interseted in taking that 2 fisted beer holder title from you mate! Hehe
I got sick overnight on our 8th day. Diahoreah and bad stomach cramps. I got up next morning, walked over the road to the pharmacy, held my stomach and groaned, and she sold me 500 pesos worth of antibiotics and painkillers. 12 hours later the cramps were gone and the trots within 6 hours of taking the pills. I don't think it was the food as we all had the same meal that night and I was the only one who got ill. I still think the pools are the guilty culprits and, coincidentaly, I got sick after being at the sexy pool, one of only 2 days we spent at that pool.
We just got back Monday 5/16 and with two other couples. no sickness to report....thank goodness. Feel for those who were there and did get violently ill!