Not the man kind if that is what you are thinking. TTR kicked up the exercise bug a bit more then usual. So Sexy DD Jen went to sexy barely D Jen. Sorry TTR friends in 5 days you will be seeing the smaller cupped woman I know and love. This brings great sadness to me, almost like I lost a friend. I am hoping the drinking will help me recover.
So whos the BOOB here??? LOL ...Apreciate what she has now, not what she had before...She is beautiful...Denise n Tom..
It happens to all of us, unfortunately it's part of the trade off. See you guys Saturday.... Time to drink and live it up
Not sure what to say, it's just a little bit of boob.........for some of us that have just a little I wouldn't try to gain weight to have more. It's about porportion and i am sure she looks gorgeous.
I actually thought this thread was about when guys go into a cold pool and then come out and out member becomes a scared turtle.