How the heck do we do this?

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by limejello, Oct 16, 2012.

  1. limejello

    limejello Enthusiast Registered Member

    Oct 5, 2009
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    I know that you all have probably already discussed this at one point or another, but as times change, I wanted to see if you might have any new info.

    We currently have 2 cars in the U.S., a Hyundai and a Volvo. I'm fairly sure that neither car can be legalized, as I (think) I read the requisitos from aduana correctly. I know it would probably be smarter for us to sell our cars and then just buy a car in Mexico, which we're not at all opposed to.

    The thing is, we have some things here that we'd like to take with us, namely my books, our TV (we wouldn't get much for it here, but to buy a new one in Mexico would probably set us back a bit), some of our kids' toys, and things that might be difficult for us to get for them down there. As I'm aware, you can't bring anything into the country in a vehicle that you plan to legalize- according to the aduana site and experience that some acquaintances have had. So we're left with the problem: how do we get our stuff to Mexico?

    It's really not a LOT of stuff, it would probably fit in the back seat and trunk of a car, but I'd be a little disappointed if I'd have to leave it behind. Any ideas?
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2012
  2. gabesz

    gabesz Addict Registered Member

    Oct 31, 2006
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    Might be worth looking into shipping it in a truck or by boat. Another option though it may not be what you want to do is to donate it all in the US except the absolute necessary items and bring with you on a trip via plane in a box. You can always buy a TV in Mexico or find a used one I am sure of that. I think someone was selling them on on this site recently.
  3. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    Would it be terribly inconvenient to sell one car and drive the other one down, and NOT legalize it?

    I´m not sure there´s much downside to having a foreign plated car here: I never hear those who have one complain about it.
  4. limejello

    limejello Enthusiast Registered Member

    Oct 5, 2009
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    Pittsburgh, PA.
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    Not legalizing it is an option. The Hyundai isn't worth too much, so if my husband puts stuff into the back and drives it to Buctzotz, then he can cross the border and sell the car, even if he doesn't get very much for it. Some of the things have sentimental value, and some of them are things that we might have a hard time getting down there. I'd really like to have books in English for the kids, and take sheets and curtains as well (as I recall, getting decent sheets that don't feel like sandpaper can be an epic feat). The only reason why I wanted to take the TV is that it only cost us $220 and it's a 32" plasma. We wouldn't get much for it here and I'm dreading the thought of how much one that size would cost in Mex. I'll discuss the idea of not legalizing the Hyundai with my husband, and if one of his friends helps drive it, that would alleviate some of the strain of having to drive it that far and back.
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