There 7 of us going in total all guys in our mid 20's and tend to make quite abit of noise when we come back drunk, i personally try to have abit of respect for the neighbours but you know what its like when you've had alot to drink.. The reason i ask is because when we went away before we had a letter under our door the next day telling us it was our final warning lol!!(on the 1st day)
if you go to the clubs and come in late they will ask you to just tone it down a notch as people are trying to sleep - of course we always come back loud, obnoxious and complete assholes.............and of course we have been told to keep it down you say, a great bit of advice would be to show some respect for those who are asleep - lesson for ALL of us :wink: we have certainly been inconsiderate of others acting the same way on numerous occasions ..........and in those cases - we are always glad when someone reminds us just how inconsiderate we are - again HAVE A BLAST - will see you guys there - will try and not keep you guys up too late with our parties - last time we hung with a 25 year old we all met while partying - matt and i had him puking up tequila by midnight :roll: poor boy :shock: was not fun having strap a bib around his neck and tuck his drunk ass in bed like a misfit toddler but - hey - its what we do rob and t april 30 - may 5 tUnEs TasTE & TIMlessTatioNS
LOLLLLL i think you were hinting that people in there mid 20's cannot drink? Are you American by anychance? I will have a good 5 days while you there to prove you wrong ( I HOPE) lol
these days you probably could :roll: marriage has tamed me quite a bit - just a couple of years ago i could out "run" tim, tmac, and all my other alchy friends combined.......but these days im more pitiful than a televangelist begging for money - :cry: was in bed like a grandpa on st patricks by 11 (while everyone else was still out) - same shit on super bowl weekend - everyone else is in the hot tub butt ass naked and where the F*&^% am i :?: you guessed it.....................locked up on a 300 thread count pillow and 5 year old serta - ive had to rethink everything :idea: i mean everyone else is belly aching and whining about the economy and the end of days - BUT - i am pissed to no end that i cant "hang" any more - i want to blame it on the smoking and that red bull shit - t said i needed to quit and she said that red bull makes me try and pick up skanks - so i gave those two up completely and lost about 25 pounds as i was turning into one of those porkers like you see on the biggest loser - :shock: hopefully, now i can get my old drinking form back - its amazing the things you have to give up at my age - in order to drink all night will see in a couple of weeks look forward to meeting you guys - look for us on the 30th - will be the ones, dressed in rainbow colors, doing rainbow shots, and having a rainbow connection of sorts cheers rob and tonya
a bib? not bad... A few months back, I had one in a diaper. Had to literally pick him up from his bar stool by the belt and back of the head to get him hugging the public porcelain. There's pictures on here somewhere if you search
waste - more like a t-shirt than an actual bib lol speaking of pics - this may be my all time favorite ..... hey pork chop - speaking of loud........ this dude was loud, obnoxious.....and rude not to mention a total dick - but i learned from hillbilly a long time ago - when you find some fool making an ass of themselves - offer to get them a drink or two and then go extra heavy on the liquor (its worth the money - i promise ) - then put some jiffy pop popcorn in the micro (for the inevitable show), check your camera battery, sit back - and get ready to take some phenomenal pics hillbilly your a f'n genius dude :wink: i call this one (for lack of a better title) "tequila meets 25 year old"