Aha, so you can buy beer midnight on a sunday night but not all weekend when the world cup is on?. Crazeyness!.
Polls for the election close at midnight, booze available everywhere then. There is always a dry law for the elections. Restaurants serving meals could serve, we drank at Coco's today as long as we were eating.
Benuk, God forbid someone would drink on the 3rd and vote on the 4th, hence no booze. Wait till we get a hurricane warning. They shut down the booze 2-3 days before it is due to hit. Also, it is not unusual for CFE to shut off your electric, in the interest of preventing a fire or worse from a downed wire. So it is a good policy to keep your booze inventory at a sufficient level to allow for these things. I usually buy 10 times what I need and bootleg the rest at rip off prices when people cannot go without a drink. Alcohol is quite popular here as you will see. I was quite popular Friday night, when La Taberna closed the doors at midnight and I had a 12 pack on ice. Cheers,
Aha yes, I have back ups, we get free cans of beer from my hotel so the fridge is always stocked, was just more out of interest really Also very interesting about the hurricane no booze rule too, we was never told that at Hurrican training at work!.
Gelous!, I have a lovely local pub back home, what I would do for a pint of the black stuff right now...