I've seen a bit about lingerie/Casino night but on a typical evening, how daring can the ladies dress for dinner in the restaurants and the disco? Is very low/high cut ok? Is sheer ok as long as parts are covered? Also, at the topless pools, can micro g-strings be worn?
Ahh...ok...well here's some pics from our recent trip to Desire. Desire2008 However I don't have pictures of the swimwear...mostly stuff like this style in various fabrics and sheers: http://www.sexyswimwear.com/store/item.asp?CategoryID=14&SubCategoryID=32&GroupID=&SKU=1016 So true micro string bikini bottoms...essentials covered but the rest is string or beads or rhinestone.
For the gauge you are looking for, I would say that anything except the Halloween costumes and the little black dress might be seen, and highly appreciated, any night at the restaurants. PS.. always willing to check out more samples. :wink: Jamie
Thanks...that helps a lot! I don't mind standing out from the others...I just don't want to be turned away because I wore something "against" the rules. I'll have to look around for more samples!
Nearly all of these would work, the Halloween costume might be a little much for most nights but I have seen outfits at TTR that would rival most of the others
What I want to know is where you bought those outfits ... I want some just like them or at least simular