How come nobody starts a petition on this board with the things that all of the repeaters would like and proposes it to management? Like no cameras at lingerie night unless you are dressed (a staff memeber could monitor this) or no saving chairs at the sexy pool until a certain time (ie, 8:00 am or whatever)....who really wants to get up at 5:00 or 6:00 after drinking a whole night to get a chair? I have been reading these boards for several months and there seems to be a few "great debates" there not a TTR regular that knows anyone in management and could pose some of these changes? I think there is also something about the time the disco closes too..... Just asking, not sure if it has been discussed or done before.....
I agree.....especially about the cameras. Please don't show my boobies and face in the same picture! I have vanilla friends and a vanilla job! Ellie
I think that is a good idea if it were just for certain issues, My only concern would be once this board or other boards start going to the hotel with petitions and other things, where would it end....Id rather just see the hotel revert back to what they used to have... The night time games used to be you couldnt get in unless you participated, the daytime activities were a lot more risque and fun, so more people joined in, so it was a lot easier to find and point out the pervs taking pictures...its a good idea to an extent cuz the squeaky wheel gets the grease, but if it keeps squeaking , the wheel gets changed completely.....
the hard r style evening contests a few years back (BBG days) were no cameras, a staff photografter would take pics and if your are in the pic you can purchase it., also a few evening contests allowed admitance only if you were taking part. jamie can probabbly add to this-- i know there was some friction from the other side of the issue, but the camera rule did seem to work out.
How bout they change the name of Casino night to lingerie Night? You know how many old folks were sitting there going "wheres the bingo at?" It was VERY odd. Get a door man, if youre not in lingerie or underwear, you DONT GET IN. VERY SIMPLE...
I'd be interested in signing something that asks for a return to the participate or leave for the nightly events.
rdubnpk All the nudist clubs in the states strictly forbid cameras and all nudist clubs I have visited outside the US forbid them, as well. The ones that are aligned with the national associations do so because the clubs are pledged to promote family. The others do so because it just makes sense for the privacy and comfort of the guests. Privacy and comfort, to me, should be the priorities.
I think that is the best way to do it, go back to the old way, I know when it was like that I was never allowed in and I didnt complain cuz it was something that couples wanted to do and it was a fun game for couples and participants, I was shocked when they changed all that.
Totally agree with the "dress for lingerie night or you don't get in" and having the old Anything Goes (or other old games) with a "participate or you don't get in" rule; it worked real well in the past and a good time was had by all. Unfortunately, the camera debate just goes on. Maybe the resort could ban perverts? Just wishing, how could you tell who's a pervert or a jerk in advance? Fortunately for us, we don't work anywhere that it would matter if pix turned up from TTR showing us having a blast, other than causing maybe a couple minutes minor embarrassment, but no big deal. But, we totally understand that others aren't so fortunate and pictures could indeed be a big deal. It would be nice if people didn't have to worry about having their picture taken if they didn't want it to be. Sad to say, but you can't legislate common sense and maybe 1% of the TTR guests lack common sense and basic courtesy.
I agree marilyn&steve.... I think it was a domino affect when they changed those things, they toned down the poolside games, they stopped the "no participation no entry " stuff, so there were less things to do for couples privately... I think that also affected the number of single people showing up too...I dont really remember there being such a problem with cameras and single guys......but when theres really no difference between temptations a normal hotel with daytime activities now, there not niche people that used to come, now its just everyone....maybe that opened the flood gates for the disrespectful people that book to just see half naked woman all day... ..