Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by Ana, Apr 12, 2008.

  1. Ana

    Ana Guest

    +0 / 0
    Negligencia de cuerpo medico y del Hospital Galenia causan fallecimiento de madre de tres niños menores.

    En respuesta al correo electrónico que se hizo circular por parte del Hospital Galenia, en relación con la muerte de mi señora esposa Vanesa de la Cruz Contreras del Toro de Castillo, me permito señalar lo siguiente: Mi difunta esposa fue programada con tiempo para ser operada por el Doctor Víctor Espinosa de los Reyes Aguirre, de una histerectomía (retiro de utero), esta operación fue realizada el pasado tres de Marzo en el hospital Galenia de esta ciudad, hospital el cual supuestamente cuenta con todos y cada uno de los elementos, equipo e implementos necesarios para llevar a cabo una operación de esta naturaleza, el Doctor Víctor Espinosa de los Reyes Aguirre, después de hacer los análisis correspondientes y de evaluar a mi esposa, (supuestamente) la programó para llevar a cabo la fatídica operación el día 3 de marzo de 2008; ese día a las 7:00 a.m. aproximadamente Vanesa acudió a internarse al hospital Galenia para operarse como había sido programada, a las 7:30 a.m. me despedí y después permanecí en espera de la cirugía, como a las 11:00 a.m. fui personalmente al piso de quirófanos y pregunte a la ventanilla de enfermeras y noté hermeticidad de las mismas, después regresé a las 12:00 i.m. y pasó lo mismo, como a las 12:30 P.M. salió la camilla con mi esposa con varias enfermeras y médicos dirigiéndose a terapia intensiva intubada con un respirador artificial, lo cual me causó una grave preocupación y le pregunté al Doctor Víctor Espinosa de los Reyes Aguirre, el motivo del porque un respirador artificial y el porque un aparato de los que se utilizan para cuando alguna persona sufre un paro cardíaco y el me contestó, que no me preocupara que el respirador era para ayudarla a que su cuerpo respirara, valga la redundancia, y que el aparato revividor era en forma preventiva, haciéndome mucha hincapié en el hecho de que no se contó con sangre en el hospital y que se había pedido al banco correspondiente; de ahí ya no la volví a saber del Doctor Víctor Espinosa de los Reyes Aguirre; una hora después el Doctor Chamorro Director, encargado o Jefe de Terapia Intensiva del Hospital Galenia, me comunicó que el estado de mi esposa era grave pero que sin embargo si llegaba la sangre teníamos altas posibilidades de que se estabilizara, posteriormente siendo aproximadamente las 14:20 horas el director del Hospital Galenia, Doctor Eduardo Loya Cortés, me llamó a su oficina para darme una explicación la cual en resumidas cuentas se abocó a hacer responsable al banco de sangre, manifestándome que el estado de mi esposa era grave pero que con la sangre podíamos sacarla adelante, en ese momento se organizó mucha gente que inclusive fueron personalmente al banco, se consiguió la sangre y supuestamente se hicieron las transfusiones de la misma, después como a las 16:30 me mandó a llamar el Doctor Chamorro Jefe de Terapia Intensiva del Hospital Galenia, para decirme que mi esposa había empeorado y que su probabilidad de que viviera era de un 10%. Posteriormente y siendo las 18:30 horas del día tres de Marzo mi esposa falleció.

    Derivado del expediente clínico de mi esposa y posteriormente a su fallecimiento, me enteré que Vanesa había sufrido al menos tres paros cardíacos, uno durante la operación y dos más en terapia intensiva, situación que nunca me fue comunicada ni por el Doctor Víctor Espinosa de los Reyes Aguirre, ni por el Doctor Eduardo Loya Cortés, ni por el Doctor Chamorro, estos dos últimos Director General y jefe de la unidad de Terapia Intensiva del Hospital Galenia, respectivamente, manejando en todo momento que con las transfusiones de sangre mi esposa salvaría su vida, de igual manera de dicho expediente médico que obra en la Averiguación Previa 185/2008 de la mesa VI del Ministerio Público del Fuero Común, se desprende que desde que mi esposa salió del quirófano sus probabilidades de vida eran de un 5%, esto en virtud del desangramiento que sufrió durante la operación por la negligencia del Doctor Víctor Espinosa de los Reyes Aguirre, quien no realizó el amarre adecuado de las venas y arterias que cortara al operar, lo que provocó que mi esposa se desangrara, asimismo la falta de implementos, recursos y equipo del Hospital Galenia, fue determinante en la muerte de Vanesa; sin embargo lo más indignante es que ahora el Hospital Galenia pretenda evadir su responsabilidad bajo el argumento de que el Doctor Víctor Espinosa de los Reyes Aguirre, no es ni ha sido un médico que sea parte del staff de dicho nosocomio, esto es vergonzoso y falto de toda ética, ya que con su actitud ellos pretendieron encubrir en todo momento la negligencia del Doctor que operó a mi esposa, puesto que siempre me ocultaron la verdad, nunca me informaron de que mi esposa había sufrido un paro cardíaco durante la operación y dos en terapia intensiva, que había perdido 4.5 litros de sangre y que no contaban con sangre suficiente para las transfusiones que se requerían antes de iniciar el procedimiento quirúrgico; la pregunta es como permite un Hospital que se precia de serlo, se opere a una persona en sus instalaciones sin corroborar que se cuente con la sangre y demás recursos e implementos necesarios para ello; que esto sirva de alerta a toda la ciudadanía y pobladores de Cancún, al Gobierno Estatal y al Federal para que tomen cartas en este asunto y no se permitan más muertes de gente inocente por las acciones y actitudes lucrativas de médicos y hospitales que han dejado a un viudo y tres niños huérfanos de 3, 8 y 10 años.
  2. TraceyUk

    TraceyUk Guru Registered Member

    May 7, 2006
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    +0 / 1
    This is tragic
  3. gene37412

    gene37412 Guest

    +0 / 0
    can someone please translate....
  4. jenleib

    jenleib Addict Registered Member

    May 18, 2005
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    St Pete/Fort Lauderdale
    +0 / 0
    With you, Tracey.

    But I am still wondering how anyone can recommend a single physician here. They almost killed me at Hospiten 4 years ago and I have heard other horror stories, now Gallenia is supposed to be the top...

    Whatever you have FLY BACK HOME!
  5. Jamie

    Jamie Mayor of Temptation Registered Member

    Mar 11, 2003
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    Port Orange, FL
    +1,168 / 5
    TAKEN CARE OF WITH THE NEGLIGENCE OF HOSPITAL GALENIA CANCUN. PLEASE THEY READ ATTACHED MESSAGE And MANDENLO PLEASE SINCE THEY LEFT WITHOUT MOTHER MY CHILDREN....... Negligence of medico body and the Galenia Hospital causes death of mother of three smaller children. In answer to the electronic mail that was made circulate on the part of the Galenia Hospital, in relation to the death of my lady it handcuffs Vanesa de la Cruz Contreras of the Toro de Castillo, I allow myself to indicate the following thing: My late wife was programmed with time to be operated by Doctor Thorny Víctor of Kings Aguirre, of a hysterectomy (utero retirement), this operation was the past made three of March in the Galenia hospital of this city, hospital which supposedly counts with all and each one of the elements, equipment and implements necessary to carry out an operation of this nature, Doctor Thorny Víctor of Kings Aguirre, after making the analyses corresponding and to evaluate my wife, (supposedly) programmed to carry out it the fatídica operation day 3 of March of 2008; that day to the 7:00 a.m. approximately Vanesa went to go into to the Galenia hospital to operate since it had been programmed, to the 7:30 a.m. I took leave and later I remained awaiting the surgery, as to the 11:00 a.m. I went personally to the floor of operating rooms and asks the window of nurses and I noticed air tightness of the same ones, later I returned to 12:00 i.m. and happened the same, as to the 12:30 P.M. left the stretcher with my wife with several nurses and doctors going to intubada intensive therapy with an artificial respirator, which caused one serious preoccupation to me and I asked to him Doctor Thorny Víctor of Kings Aguirre, the reason for because respirator artificial and because an apparatus of which they are used for when some person undergoes cardiac unemployment and she answered to me, that did not worry to me that the respirator was to help it to that its body breathed, is worth the redundancy, and that the revividor apparatus era in preventive form, doing much emphasis to me in the fact that one did not count on blood in the hospital and that had been requested to the corresponding bank; from no longer I returned it there to know of Doctor Thorny Víctor of Kings Aguirre; one hour later Doctor Chamorro Director, ordered or Head of Intensive Therapy of the Galenia Hospital, communicated me that the state of my wife was serious but who nevertheless if it arrived the blood we had discharges possibilities that it became stabilized, later being approximately the 14:20 hours the director of the Galenia Hospital, Doctor Eduardo Courteous Loya, called me to its office to give an explanation me which in short was led to make person in charge to the blood donation point, showing me that the state of my wife was serious but who with the blood we could remove advanced it, then much people organized themselves which inclusively they went personally to the bank, obtained themselves blood and supposedly the transfusions were made of the same one, later as to 16:30 it sent to me to call Doctor Chamorro Head of Intensive Therapy of the Galenia Hospital, to say to me that my wife had gotten worse and who its probability that it lived was of a 10%. Later and being the 18:30 hours of day of three March my wife passed away. Derivative of the clinical file of my wife and later to her death, I found out that Vanesa had undergone at least three cardiac arrests, one during the operation and two more in intensive therapy, situation that never was communicated to me neither by Doctor Thorny Víctor of Kings Aguirre, nor by Doctor Eduardo Courteous Loya, nor by Doctor Chamorro, these two last Chief of a main directorate and head of the unit of Intensive Therapy of the Galenia Hospital, respectively, handling at any moment that with the blood transfusions my wife would save her life, of equal way of this medical file that builds in Previous Inquiry 185/2008 of the table I SAW Ministry Public of Law Common, comes off that since my wife left the operating room their probabilities of life were of a 5%, this by virtue of bleeding that suffered during operation by negligence of Doctor Víctor Thorny of Kings Aguirre, who did not make the adapted mooring of the veins and arteries that cut when operating, which also caused that my wife bled, the lack of implements, resources and equipment of the Galenia Hospital, was determining in the death of Vanesa; nevertheless indignante it is than now the Galenia Hospital tries to evade its responsibility under the argument of which Doctor Thorny Víctor of Kings Aguirre, is not nor has been a doctor who is part of the staff of said nosocomio, this is shameful and I lack of all ethics, since with their attitude they tried at any moment to conceal the negligence of the Doctor who operated my wife, since always they hid the truth to me, never informed to me of which my wife had undergone cardiac arrest during the operation and two in intensive therapy, that were lost 4,5 liters of blood and which they did not count on sufficient blood stops transfusions that were required before initiating the surgical procedure; the question is as it allows a Hospital that boasts of being it, has an operation to a person in his facilities without corroborating that it counts on the blood and other necessary resources and implements for it; that this serves as alert all the citizenship and settlers of Cancún, to the State Government and the Federal so that they intervene in this affair and not allow to more deaths of innocent people by the actions and lucrative attitudes of doctors and hospitals that has left a widower and three orphaned children of 3, 8 and 10 years.


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