Hey guys... please post in this thread words of hope and renewal of self! Instead of going to cancun with my husband and friends, ill be divorced from him by then. Joy. Sucks because i love him.... but he is a jerk..... and sometimes they just can't be changed. I'm off to find me a gorgeous mexican man(or other) to bring back to the US! I know a lot of people like to marry to become citizens.... i dont know why.... Ameri-carajo aint that great! Thanks for help and kinds words everyone! Te amo!
hammie slammie! well at least all your troubles will be nullified with cancun crazyness. you'll more than a more from me. stick with the crew. well show you the time of your life! woot! :ladiesman:
Sorry to hear of your troubles.. I would buy you a drink, but I won't be there this year... I'll catch ya next year though.