Since nothing else is going on around here...... What're we doing this weekend, anyone going out of town, doing anything big? I've got an engagement party tonight with karaoke with a bunch of conservatives, so I'll probably be the only one rocking the mic. Rest of the weekend just relaxing around the lake, doing some wake boarding and water skiing, if its windy taking my brothers catamaran out. Not much here really.
Joe is getting in a couple hours. We are going to Level tonight. Hang out at my apartment pool tomorrow during the day. Prodigy tomorrow night. Then I don't know.
pub tonight, house party tomorrow night, beer festival on sunday, recover on monday, maybe a bit of golf in between; sounds like its going to be a nice one for once here
Oh yes, I forgot about the Prodigy concert, one of the many bands I'd like to see before I die or they quit.......
Club tonight, hanging out at the lake all day tomorrow, then heading down to Indy tomorrow night to party at the track and then go to the indianapolis 500 sunday and party all day at the track.......... cant wait!
Take kids to park, carpool to soccer practice, Costco to buy meat, clean bbq, deweed lawn and eat baked tostitos with 200-pound ladyfriends.