Ok all you hockey guys and gals. Hubby is looking for some 34" goalie pads. Do any of you know of any other websites to look at besides ebay and goalie monkey? Thanks Bridget
http://www.kempshockey.com/goal/gp_all.cfm and another http://www.donsimmons.com/ice_hockey_goalie_pads.php?type=1&menu=sen
try this place bridget. http://www.crowssports.com/catalog/ when my brain starts working again i'll give you another one lol
http://www.hockeygear.com/pads.html and http://www.dickssportinggoods.com/family/index.jsp?categoryId=694314 and http://www.skatebuys.com/goalielegpads.html
http://www.hockeygiant.com/ http://www.hockeygeeks.com/ http://www.hockey1.com/index.asp I've got 3 nephews who play hockey (one is a goaltender). Hockey is an expensive sport !
Unfortunately it is...and it takes up a lot of his (my) time. He really loves it though and it keeps him in shape...so I guess I shouldn't complain too much. Thanks guys! Bridget
Contact your local Play It Again Sports store and ask 'em what they got: http://www.playitagainsports.150m.com/