When at Temptation & from traveling abroad we have met so many nice people from all over the world and most of the couples we have met generally are both of the same heritage. Most Americans like us are a virtual cornucopia of every country. So we did the family tree thing with some surprising results. So what I found out was that I'm German & Norwegian just 2. Now for her its quite a few. Irish, English, French Canadian, Native American, Dutch & Polish.
I did mine and Craig's family tree mainly to be sure we were not kin after we were married. Our families both have stayed in the same county for 200 yrs. turns out we are only second cousins twice removed! Ha! Just kiddin, no relation whatsoever. Craig is mainly Scots-Irish (the lil leprechaun). I am a Heinz 57 German, French, English, Scots-Irish, Dutch, and Native... My family got around.:3some:
I am 100% German Lutheran. My parents were not allowed to marry outside of their heritage/faith. Tom is German and Polish. So instead of white, maybe we should be called European Americans!