Since I drink about once a month now, my tolerance is so low, that I should've gotten it on day 1. I probably did, but since I drank nonstop and only napped once, I never felt it's effect while there to the point that it went away by day ten. The rookie wins!!!!
although I see your point, the plague is much more than just a sickness that feels like its been caused by excessive drinking. I've gone through a world of illnesses since last wednesday, including: Headache, Stomach bug, Sore throat, Coughing, Runny nose, high fever, exhaustion, stuffy nose.....the whole 9....I feel like I could be a poster child for a NyQuil commercial hahah
Oh wow, I didn't know it was that bad. I've had a sore throat, but it's from losing my voice and never getting it back, and yelling all week.
Yeah dude, my voice is STILL shot.....cant hold a conversation more than 10 seconds without my voice giving out, having to wait another 10 and then starting again its so annoying
good to hear non of you are on the toilet, because thats really the "true" definition of the plague!! lol
i had it two out of the three times i went and let me tell you its more than just a cold. i dotn think i had ever been so sick...bah. like i said the one thing i do not miss about spring break is that plague. :chuck: