We have arrived in cancun and dropped the dogs off at a kennel a friend reccomended.the problem is, its all outside runs with no ac for the dogs..we have 2 siberian huskies that need A/C .If anyone knows of a kennel in Cancun that has a/c for the dogs please post the information here so we can move our huskies ! Thanks
Sounds extreme, but could you ask the kennel where they are now to shear them, in case it turns out there are no a/cd kennels, here? At least they wouldn't then be suffering while you sort this out, and hair does grow back.
Mundo Animal boards dogs and, as far as I know, the area where they keep them is air-conditioned. Good luck!
if you have a facebook account you should contact Rescate Malix, its a Rescue Shelter & they should be able to give you names & numbers of such a place if it exists in Cancun.