Hellraisers Trip Report

Discussion in 'Temptation Resort Reviews' started by Steph&Dave, Nov 3, 2015.

  1. Steph&Dave

    Steph&Dave Regular Registered Member

    Oct 22, 2013
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    North Augusta, SC
    +110 / 0
    This was our second trip to the resort- 25 Oct- 2 Nov. After popping your cherry with the June Junkies the expectation may have been high, but how can you go wrong with Halloween, right? There are certainly differences in the group, the vibe, and the level of craziness, but both groups are absolutely amazing. Here are a few of my lessons and observations from our sophomore trip.

    Boobs Cruise-
    I think you have to do at least one cruise per trip, but two may be too many. You really have to be careful to make it through the cruise and out dancing later. We failed twice this trip. I (Dave) crashed after our first cruise, ruining Pirate night and disappointing my wife, who was most looking forward to her costume. Then Steph crashed after her Birthday Cruise and we missed another night.
    As a side note, vajazzle is a fantastic addition to a Boobs Cruise wardrobe.

    First Day Curse-
    As it has been discussed extensively, have a good pace the first day. However, that does not mean you can go balls out the next day. As Jeff told me- you did way too good your first night, your time is coming.

    Sports Pool-
    There is nothing wrong with (her) staring at the stars while three women kiss her body, as long as you wear a tiara and scream "I'm a Princess" after.

    Security did not once bother us the whole trip. They did ask one woman to cover her vagina at Paty'O while she was barely painted, but for the most part we were left alone. You can get away with almost anything you want to wear. If corrected, brag about it to the group and carry on.
    Women were out in pasties every night, had no panties, sheer suits, and never had an issue.
    There may have been a trip to the bar from the sports pool with men hanging out of women's thongs- all it got was a laugh.

    Highly recommend costumes that allow for sexiness, air conditioning, and the ability to dance. I found us running away to get more naked just to be comfortable. On the other side, that chain thong may look amazing, but if you can't shake your ass in it, you may want to rethink coming to the dance floor in it.

    Male costumes-
    I think the party lights up a little more when there are some men out there representing. Our women go way outside their comfort zones, so why would we try to get away with shorts and a t-shirt?
    I have gotten amazing feedback on insane and fun outfits, and I recommend having fun with the themes to all the guys. Try it out- you'll get a ton of attention and have a blast.
    Oh, and sorry if anything I wore left scars on your memories...

    Pool Behavior-
    Regardless how drunk you are, or how cool you may feel, please understand that there are people with drinks and cigarettes in the pool. Your cannonball is not going to please or impress the group. Be cool.

    Get involved early. We had so many cool friends that we had only met online. We got out early and often to talk to everyone, and met a ton of amazing people. I know there are some people who think they aren't part of the group, but I bet if you come say hi and smile, people are generally really great.
    There is no better feeling than knowing the group will take care of you, whether it is fending off the occasional guy, running across the street to the pharmacy with your half naked wife to get you antacid, or protecting you in your slightly homoerotic costume.

    Mold, mildew, moisture, slick floors, bad AC, nasty pool water, bad food, fixtures falling apart in room, poor lighting. Yep, I said it. I will still go back. The bees and mosquitoes this time of year surprised me- they were everywhere.

    They quit hounding people to participate. And then they cancelled several events, like Miss Temptation and Mr Temptation. We can't bitch on both sides- either get involved or let the games die, it's up to us.

    The guys that took our bags remembered us after only one visit over a year ago. The waiters and bartenders all do their best to remember our favorites. These guys knew my room number better than me. Great staff.

    I found that the normal couples who got too drunk seem to get inappropriate way more often. We met a ton of people with different sexual preferences, but none of them were going to force us to do anything we didn't want to do. Worrying about swingers seems to me like worrying if people are checking you out. Get over yourself- no one should ever walk up and turn you into a swinger, or a gay, or a sexual preclusion of any kind. You are the one that controls your sex life. Do what you do, accept what others do, and have fun.
    Oh, and Vanilla with sprinkles is a cool flavor, too.

    Jumping of the side of the Boobs Cruise boat may hurt you. Running on the dance floor may hurt you. The walk to your room may hurt you. Take it slow and enjoy your whole vacation.

    I would love to call out all the amazing people, but I know I would miss out on someone. There were rock star CancunCare legends and newbies, people from everywhere, 21 to Moses' age, big to small, and the group made the party great.

    Thanks to AJAY for coordination, and for the gorgeous paint costumes. If anything, I hope for more theme participation and some big group pictures next year, but I couldn't have hoped for a better group to party with.
  2. Paulo & Ann

    Paulo & Ann Regular Registered Member

    Jan 11, 2014
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    +4 / 0
    That's a great trip report! It sounds like you guys had a ton of fun. I'd like to add a few things to it if I could. The body shot competition had one girl put the shot glass in a very specific location in that other girl. Then she took it out with her mouth then took the lemon from her mouth with a kiss. The crowd went wild and really made up for the missing Miss Temptation competition. The crowd in the sexy pool were ramped up. I've never seen so many body shots in my life. As you said; security was letting pretty much everything go. As long as people were banging semi discretely in the sports pool after dark they would just stand there and watch. Thanks for being cool security. Oh and as far as swingers I didn't even see any of them there this time. Were there some there? LOL! You're right about the wild vanillas who decided to check things off of their bucket list they had kept really deeply hidden. They were trying hard and having a ton of fun. You didn't mention the super aggressive chilean soccer players with their f'ing cameras or the extremely aggressive German guys who understood everything you said except the word no. But we didn't let them wreck our trip. Although I do hope that mom doesn't see us on facebook dancing half naked in the rain at Patty O's that one night. Again thanks security for being open minded this time! Lastly AJAY organized the H&H perfectly and we owe Angela and Jeff so much thanks!
  3. Trish

    Trish I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jul 30, 2011
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    Liverpool, UK
    +678 / 0
    I'm with you on guys putting in a bit of effort for theme costumes to step up the fun a notch. Same with getting involved - I've heard a few times about people complaining they didn't meet anyone from Cancuncare or felt left out of the party. Get yourself down to the pool, introduce, be friendly and dress up in a wild / sexy / hilarious costume at Paty O and you'll fit right in!
  4. reddog68

    reddog68 Guru Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    +28 / 0
    Great report and you were right on on everything. Had a great time hanging with you both and hope to see you guys again soon. You both are what Temptations is about, getting out and talking to everyone and making new friends.
  5. Chris and April

    Chris and April Guru Registered Member

    Jul 25, 2011
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    +255 / 0
    Great Trip Report. Nice meeting you two and hanging out the last night.
  6. L&E

    L&E Addict Registered Member

    Aug 30, 2012
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    Miami, Florida
    +318 / 1
    Great trip report! And yes, the bees were out of control.
  7. jimnloli

    jimnloli Addict Registered Member

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Grapevine TX
    +21 / 0
    Thursday Lingere Night In my estimation 90% participation and all of the ladies are so pretty. You men must have great personalitys, you sure didn't get these attractive women with your looks! Ha ha! :aktion054: What a party on Paty-Os and great first night!

    Friday was White Night and another good night for participation! This one way more of the guys participate and even the couples who didn't (like us in black) looked nice and it was another super party!

    Halloween was full on fun and funny! If anybody was out of costume I didn't notice anybody without a costume and the line to enter the costume contest was from the DJ booth all the way back past the Paty-O bar! So many great costumes! We loved the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders the most. So disturbing. Oh, and the guy with the baby parts glued to his stomach! Yikes! The judges had their hands full this time because there were at least 100 winners in my opinion!

    Neon Rave night I was pretty tequila drunk all day Sunday and Sunday night and appearently amused people with my straight white guy dance moves. :anon: I seem to remember a lot of creative neon outfits and plan to participate next time.

    The pool was fun everyday. The band was really good too! :musik026: Maybe next year we will have Bee costumes so we can be one with the pool bees. The bees are to drunk to hurt anybody so you just have to ignore them. All the games were fun and we love the entertainment staff. Olga is new to us as was Calley but they are pretty and nice. JJ can S my D. Ha Ha He's really gotten good at his job!

    Our room wasn't too sucky but we don't care since we aren't there much and don't stay at Temptation for the room quality anyway. We discovered its easy to get lost if you live in that 5300 block. Every night it seemed I was wandering around looking for my room. :huh:

    It was a fun trip. Thanks to everyone who helped put it together. We saw many familiar faces and met lots of new people. It's pretty hard to meat everyone but we went around and did poolside hi-5s to everyone we could.

    So thanks to everyone for the memories and pictures and facebook hookups and good times! If you can't have fun at Temptation you must suck and I'm glad we didn't meat you.

    On a final note, we got to enjoy the plane ride home with Guido and Blondie 1st class and front row and had a great conversation. They are Temptation Hottie & Hellraiser hardcore. I heard even though he lost 75% of his body fluids and had to have his leg amputated after his first day, Guido refused to leave and ruin Blondie's vacation. HA ha Not really, just kidding. I think he'll be ok...

    See you all next time! :bj:
  8. marshe

    marshe The Original Hottie and Hellraiser Registered Member

    Feb 5, 2010
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    when not on vacation, home based 25 mns from Toron
    +1,772 / 4
    Enjoyed reading your report and glad you had a blast with HnH.
    See you next Halloween??
  9. The Original G Spots

    The Original G Spots Baby G & Craig G Registered Member

    Sep 22, 2011
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    New Jersey
    +216 / 0
    We arrived Tuesday Nov 27th, quickly got drinks, seen most of the current H&H. People recognize us from the forum. Drank to much and missed white shirt night. Wednesday started and ended like Tuesday, drunk & tired. Thursday at lingerie night was great. Friday at white night - not many togas, but we wore ours. The Boobs Cruise was always crazy. Love seeing the past H&H, & the new ones. Next year picture needs to be bigger. Themes where everyone participatie. Maybe some kind of afternoon H&H get together.
  10. Deb & Craig

    Deb & Craig Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jun 12, 2015
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    Heh. We were up in our room on toga night (the balcony overlooked Paty'O's) and I caught your guys' entrance down the stairs. It was epic. You and Baby looked fantastic!
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