Having trouble posting media. At first I thought that the pictures were just not getting approved for some reason, but now I feel like it is just not working. Anyone else having any issues?
I haven't loaded pictures in a long time, so I can't speak personally. But it does look like the section is working, because I do see people that have uploaded within two days. One thing I do remember is they have to be on the smaller size, so I would say try saving them in a different format. With a name like that, I had to request your IG, hahaha
Like @ScubaSteve says, you may have to resize them. I also see that you just joined a couple weeks ago. There also used to be a requirement that you had to have a certain number of posts or something like that before you could post photos. You might want to check with the site owner, @Steve to see if that's still in effect.
I can't remember yours in particular, but of the scores I've seen submitted in the last few days they likely dont meet the criteria for approval. The rules are stated on the upload page, yet 99% of photos submitted completely ignore them and either have heads deliberately cut out or focus in on tits and ass. Instagram promotion is also not allowed
Sorry, we are new here. Judging by some of the posted media, we assumed that this forum allowed the same anonymity as Temptations resort. We are excited to be a part of it, and appreciate your work in organizing the forum.
I never had luck posting directly here so I always just upload to Flickr then copy/paste the link here. Like this: (PS guys - Cancun will be GREEN soon!)
To elaborate a little. Many of the existing photos would not be approved if submitted today. This forum is almost 20 years old. There are in the region of 60,000 photos. If I were to review all of them again, lets say I reviewed 200 a day at 20 seconds each five days a week it would take me a year. Not doing that. There are a lot of differences between a hotel that has maybe 1,000 people max and a website that is potentially accesible to Billions. First of all, the hotel makes it's own rules. The website has to abide by the whims of Google or be forever submerged to the depths of their search engine such that it is never found by potential new members and eventually dies. Photos concentrating on tits and ass attract picture hunters that create other problems and also encourage others to post more and more daring pics until the photo galleries become little more than a porn gallery, and the site becomes little more than a haven for perverts. You'll find that at Temptation people dont hide their faces. I don't know anyone who takes pics of their significant other but avoids their face. If anonymity is what you Desire, then it's best not to post any pics online at all.
Guess you didn't see all the pictures Elyse takes of me. All meat and potatoes. She doesn't care that I have a face.