I'm 20 minutes early but so what. Happy Birthday Steve! Hope it's a good year. And now we're not the same age anymore. Have a nice time this weekend, I know you have something special planned.
Thanks, it doesn't seem like 5 minutes since the last one. We are off to a hotel for the weekend shortly, doing the "family thing". I'm sure I'll get the chance to have a few cheeky vodka and lemonades though. :wink:
Let me add my best wishes for a very happy birthday, Steve! You sure do deserve to have one of the best. Hope your family weekend is all that you want and that this next year is extra good to you.
:lotsofmichaelf: :happy birthday: :lotsofmichaelf: :beergone: arty: artytime: :beergone: :michaelf: :bigband: :bigband: :flag uk: :beergone: :beergone: :beergone: :beergone: :stevehastoomuchvodka: Have a few for me....HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!
Greeting Steve Cheers Steve, have a great day. We we move in we'll have to do up a really big party. My birthday was on Oct . 12th, Susie's is on Oct. 24th, Chocolat's is Oct. 10th, River Girl Oct.16th, and now yours on the 20th. Lots of Libra's in the hood! Looking forward to October come next year! :bigband: