Happy Aussie Day for tomorrow!!! arty: :daveandmo: There's a few Aussies on here and as I'm here for the year, I am including myself! :lol: Posting this today as tomorrow is a public hol so I aint at work, I'll be getting mashed out in Sydney somewhere, rock on. :headbanger: Here's the history of it in case you wanna take a butchers: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australia_Day Edited to add, we had an Aus Day brekky at work today and I ate: 2 x cocktail sausage, banana pancake, weird savory pastry, egg n bacon vol au vent thing, potato fritter with smoked salmon & avocado on, muesli & yog in a cup and a smoothie! Goodbye diet!! Aussie Pom Jen x