I can't stand them and will usually ensure I don't drink enough to have one. Last year at Cabo I got plastered one night (had to be done) and spent the next day in my room I was so ill. I hate wasting a day like that. I sit here and read all the party posts and wonder how you guys do it? Especially with all the shots mentioned. So while I like to have fun and will have a drink in my hand nearly 100% of the time, I generally won't be the one found doing shots in the middle of the afternoon. As a huge foodie, dinner is one of my favorite parts of a vacation and I don't enjoy being hammered for it. I am however a willing participant in giving my body to have body shots done So just a warning if you are there during Feb 27 (tomorrow - yippee) and March 5, I am just as much fun as anyone and am looking to have even more at TTR but I might turn down the excessive shot consumption. And if anyone has any cures for hangovers I would LOVE to hear them! Aelie
You are so much like me. I don't know how people have the endurance to drink and party all day, into the wee hours of the morning and get up and do it all over again! And usually after I eat I get a bad case of FBS (full belly syndrome) and get lazy and spoil my buzz. These people must have secrets they aren't sharing! Enjoy your trip!
I have to agree with everyone that hangovers suck and can take time to recuperate. I usually start the day with a few bloody mary's after a full breakfast which really seem to help, go to a few beers after that and then hit the harder stuff. It seems to work. I have read and my 24 year old son swears by this that you have to hydrate fully before you go to bed. The main cause of hangovers is dehydration and a couple of bottles of water before you sleep will do this. I have also read that vitamin B-12 is a good cure along with liquid advil. All this will be in my bags and tried. Good luck!!!!
Don't trust this as sound medical advice, but plenty of anecdotal evidence suggests that hangovers are at least partly due to a drop in BAC (blood alcohol content). That's why "hair of the dog" ("don't stop DRINKING!") works. Of course, unless you want to become an alcoholic, you have to let your BAC return to zero, but we like to put that off until after the vacation.
my husband swears by this.....he always makes sure he eats a burger and fries before bed and when he gets up in the am he is good to go...then hit the buffet for a big breakfast. As for starting off with beer we always drink rum and we start around lunchtime.:ladiesman1:
Thanks everyone. Yes I usually partake in hair of the dog (I find Caesars great for that) and have my b12 and advil packed. I don't eat wheat which eliminates a lot of the greasy food that soaks up the alcohol, burger, pizza etc although I have heard the burgers at Paty o are awesome so I might have to have just one bite!
Hydration is the key! Lots of water throughout the day will help you out, as well as a couple of advil before bed. In the morning a couple more and a good hot shower I find help out as well. Oh and the burgers, can't ever forget the burgers!
that always worked for me..burger and fries before bed and no hangovers! Or maybe I just never sobered up to be hungover :headbanger: