While we are all planning for Halloween at TTR, I thought I would share something with you a little disturbing. When we were kids, you went trick or treating and ate candy while you did this. Got home, let your parents check your bag to make sure you were safe. Then it got a little scary because someone thought it would be ok to put razor blades in apples and give to children. Then became more scary because, you had to take your candy bags to the hospital so they could x-ray your candy to make sure it was safe. Then, we could only go to houses that we knew. Bob & I live in Colorado and you may or may not know, Marijuana is legal here. They just reported that parents now need to beware that marijuana candy is going to being handed out to children.:ranting1:
Not that I am disagreeing with you, but I thought most of those stories were actually urban legends, and there have only been like 5 instances of tampering ever. But it is definitely still good practice to look through all the kids candy anyway. But thinking about the pot thing...Wouldn't that cost way more money then just giving out actual candy? I couldn't see just giving any of my stash away to strangers...kids or adults. At my house we give out candy. But we also have a big cauldron Jello-shots for the adults.
Originally from Chicago, my Mom was a Nurse and had countless stories about these from past. I agree, can't see giving stash away. Regarding pot thing, it is soooo abundant perhaps they are not concerned. I personally have seen the trim pile that is full and potent and considered trash. Anyway, just thought it was sad to have to be concerned when it should be a fun night. Like the idea of Jello's. We host two parties a year. I love making those and everyone looks forward to them. Mostly because I cater to everyone's type of alcohol. I.e., Whiskey, Vodka, Rum, Tequila, etc.
They should offer the MJ candy to the adults. Now that would put the fun back in Halloween. Seriously though, we are moving to Oregon next year, where pot is legal there too, and I asked friends of ours up their if they are concerned about the candy and said not really. Just, like always, limit them to wrapped store bought candy. What are they going to do, inject honey oil into a Milky Way? Hell no! That stuff is too expensive. People are blowing themselves up right and left just to make the money that they get for it.
since we will be at Paty O's most of Halloween night, bang away at our door! Guess that would be Trick lol