Halloween is much fun!!! We will be there this year too. Check out the hotties and Hellraisers thread for the theme nights. The resort puts on a costume contest too. And welcome to the forum! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - Angela
Last time we went was back in 05. Loli came as a Sexy Devil costume from Hot Topics and I was a Grim Reaper. It was different back then. Maybe it was the hurricane. I don't know. I don't think anybody else had costumes. We wandered down the Road to The Legendary Blue Parrott and had a super great time! This year we are going again for Halloween. We never knew of this forum back then. We only discovered it prior to our trip March 2014. Reading it helped us to decide this would be a fun thing to do! We love Halloween and think its the best Adult Party on the Calender! We look forward to seeing everyone! I hope everyone has costumes and maybe there well be a costume contest and other fun. If Temptation is lame follow us to the Blue Parrott. But I hope not. We hate to leave the resort! I bet it will be a blast!
We've been the last two Halloweens and it definitely not lame and is a hell of a party! Mostly everyone is in costume and has a great time. Look forward to seeing you there.
I am sorry! Loli straighted me out! That year we stayed at the awful "El Puh Blee Toe" (spelled out phonetic fashion) and it was a terrible experience and should be burned down which is why we went down the road. I don't know how I got so mixed up. I never should have posted that. I need a big do over. It wasn't Temptation at all (which was Blue Bay back then) but somehow I got mixed up! This will be our first visit to Temptaion for Halloween! We are looking forward to it! ...and now back to your regular programing
I think you will find on Halloween you are not seeking to find off property places to go, due to boredom or finding yourselves the only ppl in costume. I venture to say that the thought of wandering down the road won't enter your mind.
The week leading up to Halloween should have more interesting theme nights than the usual red night, white night, glow night, men's shirt night, etc. that's found in almost every month of the year.. Examples of theme nights could be: 1. Cops & Robbers / 911 2. Hippies & Retro 3. Fairytales 4. To Cool for Skool - Cheerleaders, Schoolgirls & Jocks 5. Wizard of Oz 6. Doctor, Doctor 7. Hollywood - Celebrities, Reality TV stars, etc.
We think another great theme would a Daisy Duke night. Body paint night would be great too if the resort could have a group of artists available. Good airbrush ones like you find at Fantasy Fest.