Okay, we just braved the end of a Nor'easter to go shopping including getting some very nice lacy lingerie for the Mrs. We had a bit of a discussion of what guys wear to that event. Our understanding is that we will not be admitted without "proper attire." Since we are satisfied SHE can now get in, we are interested in learning what are the options for guys? We have heard boxers are one possibility. Other suggestions from all you repeaters?? Thanks. J&S
Ummmm...From the tone of the question in this last post to "guy", I am NOT sure we really WANT to know the answer!!!! Oh wait, maybe it will fit into a "What NOT to wear" category???? :icon_lol:
Ohhh trust me, you will want to know the answer....Hes always straight out of GQ.....Hes a sharp dresser or "under" dresser...:icon_lol:
most guys had boxers on. a few had ugly white underwear even. another had a sock on his balls and penis.
Have fun with it, a little style is the best course of action. The girls usually go all out, so can the guys.