I usually ask the front desk for the checkout guest survey card a couple days before we leave. That way, I can spend a little more time on it rather than feeling rushed when checking out and having a plane to catch. I also make it a point to jot down people's names during our stay; I've been told it really looks good for an employee to receive a positive comment on those surveys. Just about everyone who works there is friendly & helpful. Of course we try to tip appropriately, but a positive mention of waiters, maids, bartenders, front desk folks, entertainment staff, even someone doing a nice job on the gardens- it only takes a moment and (I've been told) makes them look good to management. Obviously the surveys are an opportunity to make constructive suggestions (more beer variety, more nighttime activities at the resort, whatever) but I try to phrase anything I say in a way that doesn't reflect badly on any of the staff, who in my opinion are tops.
Great idea... every time we've been here, we write those names on the comment cards who helped make our vacation week special... we've even included some of the front staff who made sure we got a room that we liked...