Does the TRR staff do outings to coco bongo on certain nights? We want to venture out at least one night and my BF has never been. We would much rather go with a group of ppl from the resort than on our own, so just trying to figure it out. Any input is greatly appreciated!!!
for something like 50 dollars each you get vip section with the staff all you can drinks and transportation there, but you have to get back on your own. The staff go out several times a week to different clubs, just check with the entertainment staff.
Where do I find dates for Coco Bongo? We will be there July 14-22 and would like to try it this time around
It won't post until the week before, if they update in time. But they tend to stay the same nights sort of indefinitely...until they change them So, you can check your roll call thread to get a general idea and then just double check when you get there. I thought it was posted on the activities calendar on the website but it's not.
You can also go to the Temptation official Facebook page and ask them. I've done that and they wrote me back telling me what nights at what bar.