i am on the internet for a few moments! How is everyone? Devon is good, i hate my new job they dont give us internet access :shock: ALSO WE ARE GOING ON HOLIDAY IN 7 WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!!!! BULGARIA!!!!!!!!!!! as usual i hope to go to cancun but its expensive :-| where is currrvy?
check out those youtube videos about sunny beach - there is one where a man pours abbout 30 shooters.
hellos jason hello dennis- bulgaria is very cheap and makes up for the wettest british summer in 300 years! 1050 cocktails! Currvy! mango beer! the eye! primark! drinking wine on the train!
yes, the london eye with my suitase...like a homeless visiting landmarks. wine on the train!? I think we should get that dirty newspaper you had the other time with boobies in them and we shall sit on the floor again. we must invent "games" to be played throughout the holiday! thoughts? did you replace your flatiron?