So, this weekend while I was deep into a bottle of jack, I got this wierd idea in my head about writing a movie script based on a dream i had the night before.....anyways the whole synopsis of the plot is this.....A married man who has been with his wife for about 10 years, has an ongoing affair with another woman, this affair has been going on roughly 5 years, and after this time, (the woman he has been having an affair with, who is also married), the man decides to call it quits, well her husband finds out about this affair gets pissed, and confronts the other man about it.....i dont want to give away the ending, but at the end of the movie this man finally realizes after these 5 years that the fun he was having with this woman wasnt worth it in the long run....anybody have any thoughts? criticism is welcome.....
Am not one to discourage creativity like this. Go ahead and write it. Who knows what will come of it? Good Will Hunting and Lost in Translation were great films pursued by young artists like yourself. Give it a shot.
Hard to say without an ending, so I did not vote either way. The basic idea of that has been done with different twists and endings.
Sure-go for it if you want to PM. And like Michael said, you never know anyway-it would never hurt to write it. Maybe you'd be our CancunCare famous person!
Too bad this isnt my dream...just something i do for fun...haha lol....but i will be writing this as a matter of fact, im on to page 15...only about 85 more to go...