How’s it going guys? My wife and I just booked our trip for 10 days next month and had a few questions. Any tips for first timers our age? We are a little on the bigger side will we be judged at all? We are interested in the Boobs Cruise but will it be out of place if the wife keeps her top on? Lastly where and what is the best massage to get?
First off we’ve been 7+ times and have seen people of all sizes wearing all size clothing. Never once have we’ve experienced anyone judging anyone. TTR is the most non judgement accepting place. Secondly, Boobs Cruise, you do not need to take your top off. Although we went one time and only two young girls had their tops on an they were egged they entire time to take them off, they never did. I do assure you, within a day of being at TTR your top will be off even if you think you’d never do that. The atmosphere is so accepting all your insecurities will disappear
Thank you for the response! We are big ravers and love the accepting community there. We are quite excited. Thanks again.
You'll be fine! I like your comparison to the rave community...its does have some peace and love vibe at some time with all the friendliness and mingling. Some DJ's at night have a very European EDM style playlist (at least it was so when we were there, even went over to ask if he had Belgian root's lol)
Stay hydrated, don't forget to eat. Relax and enjoy. No judgements here. Warning it's addictive. The Boobs Cruise is a must for us.
The only way you are going to be judged is if your an asshole. Talk to people, smile "buy" shots for brand new friends. Above all Have Fun! TTR is the best time of your life as long as you let it be. Both of you pack clothes you would never ever dream of wearing. By day 3 or 4 you will say "fuck it" and put them on. Be silly, geeky, and goofy. Dress up for the themes. Participate in the l Poolside games. Above all, Enjoy the two of you!!!