Has anyone paid for the GOES (global entry) system for faster check in at customs ... Do you like it or not Thanks
The GOES part is good when there are a lot of flights coming in at the same time, gets you through imigration much faster... But the big benefit is the Truster Traveler status or TSA Pre-check that comes with it. Gets you into the short line at each and every TSA checkpoint. That's where most people will get their money's worth. No more removing of the shoes, shorter line to get to the machines, leave your laptops in the bags, only have to empty your pockets for the metal detector and pull out your liquid bag. Sort of back to pre 9/11 security. It's because you submit your information for a background check, so if you are hiding from the law you might want to pass. I really like it because with my airline status for the airline counter and TSA Pre-check, from the minute I hit the curb from the parking lot shuttle I can be on the other side of the TSA check point in less than 10 minutes.. wait for it... in ORLANDO!!! (Think loads of families with kids and flyers that see an airplane once every two years or so.. don't hate them but if you fly evey other week or more they REALLY slow you down. ) Jamie
I paid the money, now go in for the in-person interview in August. We'll see if it makes things much faster or not.
we just signed up as well. our interview is in a couple of weeks. signed up with mixed feelings although they already know everything about us anyway.
signed up and paid, now waiting for an interview appt.... Thanks everyone for the input, we appreciate it
I have Nexus, I travel for work and it makes going through customs in the US a breeze also coming back into Canada.
It is definitely worth it for us! I travel back to the U.S. at least once a month and it is a great time saver!