Anyone interested in doing a Glow night in Feb.? We will be there from the 19th until the 26th... Looks like fun from the pictures that have been posted......... What would be a good night?
would be a great time, but we don't arrive until the 22nd so hopefully that works out with some of you
what nights cant we do it? What night of the week is lingerie night? you dont get there until Tuesday so im thinking wed. thurs. or friday night
Just so happens I bought a big tube of glow bracelet thingies for New Years, and didn't get to use any of them. We will be there from the 19th to the 26th. I'm in. Signed... easily distracted by shiny glowy things.:huepfen013:
lingerie night is Thursday, white night (if people are interested) is Friday night, Wednesday night we could do school girl and glow night wrapped all into one, that would be a trip!