Ok, I'm editing my original post to allow people to easily find the information. This will be our 4th trip doing this and we'd like to encourage everyone to bring some toys and school supplies to Cancun and drop them off at either the Hard Rock Cafe or the Needful Things bookstore on Avenida Coba in the center of town near Walmart. Nancy stops by every two weeks or so to collect what has been dropped off. Their official site is: [FONT="]www.giveatoygetasmile.org[/FONT] [FONT="]A hundred years from now It will not matter What my bank account was, The sort of house I lived in Or the kind of car I drove But the world may be different Because I was important In the life of a child [/FONT]
we would like to know this too. there is a school south of playa, we have donated to in the past, if not. believe me, we have gotten way more out of doing so, than we have ever given...
I told my wife the maids and other help made like 3 bucks a day and she immediately told me she was going to bring a bag of our kids outgrown clothes for the help at who may need it.......
I think this is a great idea... we were talking in Jan. Feb to a fellow Canadian and he said that his group of 4 bring school supplies, toys etc and they take them to the Church just down from the resort.. I thought it was a fantastic idea and plan of filling our extra bag that we bring next year.
I found the post from Cancun Nurse it has a link to their website. http://www.cancuncare.com/forum/temptation-resort-cancun/9613-give-toy-get-smile.html#post320732
i think it would be great if we as board members could give back to a dedicated non-profit / charity in the area. we may bitch and moan about this or that in our lives, but let's face it, we all have it pretty good... :stepsdownoffofsoapbox lol
Dirty minds aren't bad.......but these toys will make a difference to the children of Cancun. Juners may want to scrap an adult toy exchange for this. What a great event this could be. I wonder if we could get pledges for soccer balls?