Right, from all the info on this site I think its probably best for us to tip in dollars rather than pesos (anyone agree/disagree?). My question is...we're going to be at resort for 2 weeks, and that's a lot of tipping! I've never been to an all inclusive resort (well any resort for that matter) so will I be able to ask for 200/300 x $ singles at the currency exchange in the UK, or would they look at me like I was mad? I guess another option would be to just leave large tips in higher notes at the start of the trip?
If the choice was between 10 Pesos or 1 Dollar as a tip then staff would prefer the Dollar since 1 Dollar is worth 13.5 pesos. But like for like it's easier on the staff if you tip in Pesos rather than Dollars. They cant go pay their electric bill or buy their groceries locally in Dollars and would need to exchange them first. I think you'll have a tough time getting single Dollar bills in the UK, small denominations of Pesos are probably just as difficult to come by.
Every year we just pre order ours, it takes about 2 days. Have fun and enjoy. We also take pesos for shopping.
usually I get a mixture of 1 and 5,s In the evenings start with 1,s and ounce a server starts refilling your drink without asking then you give him a 5 then your set for the night. Most banks will let you pre order. As with any where money talks and you will get better and faster service.
I've never understood why people believe that Mexicans would prefer US dollars over pesos. And if you're from Canada/England, I sure can't understand why you'd convert your money into US$ to give to a Mexican so he can convert it into pesos. Just give the mexicans pesos. They will have no trouble spending them and they will appreciate your tip as much as anything. Besides, you can save them a trip to the bank to convert them. Also, Cancun is covered in bank machines that will kick out cash and charge a completely reasonable exchange rate. And the front desk will change your money for lower denominations quite happily for you. Besides, the American dollar isn't quite the gold standard that it used to be. Mexican Pesos might be the better investment. :icon_eek:
We were there last month and took £200 in 20 and 50 peso notes and all the staff were delighted with a small tip here and there, no need whatsoever for dollars. Plus at 20peso's to the pound the exchange rate is better than you converting £ into $. Enjoy PS don't forget to tip the girl who keeps the sexy pool restrooms spotless.....everyone tips the barstaff. Don't forget the overlooked people like the gardeners etc.
Not sure when your leaving bit i was told in the post office yesturda that they will be doing some kind of deal on mexican Pesos between Tueday 11th and Saturday 15th Oct, they wouldnt tell me exactly what the rate will be but they assured me it would be worth my while. Im not going away untill the end of Nov but im probable going to change up my money next week to get it out of the way. You just need to give them two days notice.
We've never really understood the idea of using American Dollars in a foreign country. We've always just converted our money to the local currency.
We usually take £150.00 in one dollar bills for tipping (I usually order them at the Post Office a few days before). I am sure we were told by someone that they prefer to receive UD dollars than pesos?? We usually tip a couple at breakfast & lunch & slightly more in the speciality restaurants. There is a tip glass on Diego’s bar (sexy pool) & at night in the paty o bar, though sometimes we prefer to tip individually, as one person often stands out and tip the maids daily and a little more on departure as they do a wonderful job (or take little pieces of jewellery for them). Just a little note – don’t forget to put your £40 each departure tax to one side or you can pay in pesos (can’t remember how much they said that is), but you can’t use US dollars to pay it. Have a fantastic time; it’s an amazing place – I’m so jealous!