TTR can't get here soon enough! Mr & Mrs. Netcruizer99 need a break! We plan on spending alot of our time at the swimup bar. If you see 2 people passed out on the swimup bar around 11:30 am each day, that'll be us. . .
I've always told my kids that the best way to voice your opinion is to be seen on television looting a CVS of toilet paper - what a proud moment - NOT! On a serious note, hope you & yours remain safe! Rita
We typically do not have looting in Texas. Remember after Hurricane Ike in Houston the people with signs saying "looters will be shot" standing guard? We had a LOT of private armed guards around. Funny how that prevented looting. Love Texas. Never have understood how looting and tearing stuff up proves a point. Their position may be very correct, but it gets lost/buried by the craziness. Hope it ends soon and you are well.
be safe!! this is all too familiar! i live just ouside Ferguson, ,MO... xoxo countdown to TTR=33 days
On the other hand you know the state of you and yours where if you were in Cancun you would probably be worried sick. Just remember you have TTR to look forward too! Jamie