Ok, we're tryiing to pack light and relax. Will my nice white sneakers be allowed in the restaraunts? Any comments for previous attendees will be appreciated. :roll:
i dunno bout at TTR, but personally, if ur referring to tennis/running/Xtrainer sneakers, then i would not wear them...there's great 'sneaker-shoes' now that look like shoes but act like a sneaker...go with that.... just my pointless 2 cents
Not sure about the sneakers..but I like to see men dressed up at least as nice as their wives, girlfriends. The restaurants are quite elegant and from my previous trips, most men dress up with nice dress pants, shirts and probably not sneakers.
Pants are over rated I'll be giving away my tickets to the other restaurants and sticking to the buffet.
G'morning!! 10 days to go!! I took topsiders for the restaurants, did not want to miss out on the Italian restaurant, which in my opinion was the best!! See you all soon!! Kathie& John
these will suffice for most places, esp in darker setting, looks like a shoe... I'm a firm believer that shorts and sandals are for the beach only...once the sun goes away, so should the shorts and sandals...if your girl/woman is wearing heels, then the guy should be wearing a shoe... also, i'm used to restaurants/bars in NYC rejecting ppl from entering because of footwear and other fashion fauxpas....keeps the crowd looking good dress to impress....don't be a clown
shoes Well, I'll work something out. I sure wouldn't want to offend anyone who might be looking at my feet under the table. See you soon!
They WILL turn away men in sandals but you can wear a pair of jeans and tennies. Personally I dont think tennies are the best looking option but they are allowed (at least when we were there...)
This is the shoe that we got Rob for the restaurants and we had no problems. http://www.payless.com/store/produc...lotId=068539&category=&catdisplayName=Brands