Fun Run this Weekend

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by V, Jul 8, 2010.

  1. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    Cancun, Centro
    +6 / 0
    You're invited to join us this weekend for a "fun run" (mild training session)

    We will meet in front of the Holiday Inn (about KM3) in the Hotel Zone of Cancun at 7:30 AM on either Saturday or Sunday- your choice: majority vote rules! (Please indicate your preference by posting to this thread or sending me a PM) The bus stop for HI is almost directly across the street from it and is the first bus stop after your bus enters the HZ

    We will then run (or run-walk as the case may be) to the Ambiance Kin Ha- just beyond KM8 and just after the Intercontinental Hotel (both will be on the left)

    Our route will take us past the "Esplanade de la Bandera" with its green gardens and enormous Mexican flag flying proudly in the morning sun

    We will go straight in the Kin Ha (lobby is open air) and all the way back to the pool area where we will have a buffet breakfast in an unenclosed breakfast area- looking out across the pool and garden area to the white sandy beach and sea beyond- with Isla Mujeres in the distance (breakfast 120 pesos + tip)

    We will have a leisurely breakfast- chatting and getting to know each other better and reading the USA Today- after which we will catch the bus back into town (bus stop is directly in front of the Ambiance Kin Ha)

    In addition to the breakfast don't forget to bring some change for the bus back to town and any newspaper you may want to buy there

    On a somewhat personal note but not anything anyone should read anything into! may I say-

    We will be dining in the open air but with the guests of the hotel following our workout so- in the interests of good neighborly relations- can I suggest everyone wear a fresh set of sports clothes and consider reversing the usual order and have a shower before going for the run? And just to be on the safe side perhaps have our partners give a little "sniff" test to our running shoes- they may also need a little "freshening up"!

    Hope to see plenty of you sports minded readers of this forum there!

    Don't forget to express your preference- Saturday or Sunday AM
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2010
  2. ToriB

    ToriB Cancuncare Sun Care Advisor Registered Member

    Jan 23, 2009
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    I have expressed to you in the past my Desire to get into a running program. I think for the time being, I need to start my training solo, so not to hold any of you more advanced people back. Trust me your breakfast will be well digested before I get there.
  3. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    Cancun, Centro
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    Got that covered!

    I will be run-walking the route: when I've had enough I will hop on a bus of my choice and ride the rest of the way to the Ambiance Kin Ha and that's what I'd recommend to all

    Run-walk at your own pace and make no effort to do otherwise: those at your level can loosely accompany you

    When you tire- hop on a bus and ride the rest of the way to breakfast!

    Nobody will be as slow as I am- believe me- you can run with me if you like and I don't do as much as 5K in my workouts typically

    If I had to guess it will be Matkirk or perhaps Rawkus- or maybe even SamCancun chasing Mavsfan to the finish line if they should choose to show up!

    Now that that's out of the way do you prefer Saturday or Sunday! :daisy:
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2010
  4. ToriB

    ToriB Cancuncare Sun Care Advisor Registered Member

    Jan 23, 2009
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    Cancun via PHILLY!!!
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    Definitely not Sat, I have a long day that day. Maybe Sunday. It's hard cause I have to be ready for work by 10. Don't count me out, but don't count on me being there either. It will be a last minute decision once again for me.
  5. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    Cancun, Centro
    +6 / 0
    Glad to see you're considering it!

    MAVSFAN Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jul 4, 2010
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    Thanks for the confidence V, but I do not anticipate anyone having to chase me to the finish line!! I am definitely more distance than speed.:icon_lol:

    I would love to go for a run and get to know the area better. I may even be able to talk Nevets into hopping on the bus and meeting for breakfast.

    Sunday works great for me if it is the best day for everyone else.
  7. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    That's great news that you want to do it Mavsfan: the HZ is beautiful that time of day and this time of year- often with towering clouds that come with the threat of thundershowers

    As much as I like the idea of running I can't go far before I have to break into a walk: I suppose this is because I never had a habit of exercise until I decided I'd better get started- at age 59- unlike yourself who started early to do right by your body

    It would be good if Nev got inspired to start: young as he is he might never grow old if he gets into a lifelong habit of the right exercise early in his life: what's surprising is how much pleasure it gives you once you begin to get into it

    Those who've expressed interest have said they prefer Sunday so Sunday it is! 7:30 AM in front of the HI

    Buses that run in the HZ cost seven and a half pesos: be prepared with some extra in case you decide you'd like to see more of the HZ: we could explore by bus after breakfast

    To the other readers: I know it's a little late in the year but perhaps you can still remember a resolution you made last New Year's about getting in shape? Here's a chance to give that resolution some "legs"!

    This is an open invitation so if there are others interested please let me know by posting or by PM
  8. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    Ill see if I can make it til 7:30 on Sunday.

    3 K would be great as a warm-up walk, if done in a nice tempo, hehe :)

    If not, then have fun and let us know how it was!
  9. V

    V I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2009
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    Cancun, Centro
    +6 / 0
    An example of that zany Swedish sense of humor Rawkus?

    Just in case you're serious we've got a couple of possible walkers who may think 3K is just about right before hopping on the bus!

    Nevets- pay attention: we may have another walker!
  10. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    @V: No, Im serious. There are few things here in Cancun that please me more than early morning runs. 6:00am makes Cancun seem like a different world somehow... Love it!

    I always start at the entrance, so I would love to know how your stretch was.

    I mean the walk from 0 to the 3K spot would be great as a warm up, sorry if it was confusing(just woke up..:))

    Im trying to move some things around to be able to make it on Sunday, so lets see.

    Ps. You dont happen to know any steep area suited for uphill running..?

    The only "nice" area that comes to mind is at the Mirador(also known as Playa Delfines..?).
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