For those of you who have been to TTR already, you may understand this: When Jim and I went to TTR last December it changed our whole way of thinking about life. Since we returned home, we are much more comfortable with each other and around other couples when we go to parties. We are now know as the 'kick-ass' couple due to our contributing awesome shots and bringing the ice luge to these parties. When we tell people about our trip to TTR they are instantly amazed that we went in the first place, want to hear all the details and then ask if they can come too, lol. We have grown in our relationship so much and it really is all due to the people we met and partied with last December. The Chaos Crewe has become a 'family' of sorts and since they have welcomed us into their bosom, we have never felt more loved. We now share that love with our friends and new people we meet. TTR can teach you how to be a much more relaxed and laid back person/couple. Take from it what you will. Don't be afraid to share your experience with people from home. You never know, it may open your friendships up into even more special/close relationships then you thought possible. Friends of a feather... party on together oxox
Im dragging my GF of 3 years. She is a lot more conservative than I. I'm hoping her experience is similar. She takes life and people too seriously. This is the type of atmosphere I like and the type I'm hoping she becomes comfortable with.
I have to agree too! TTR really changed and improved how John and I communicate- starting even before with left with the "rules" talk
I luv this.... Sorta like a Stuart Smalley daily affirmation. And who doesn't like a welcoming bosom? "TTR the home of welcoming bosoms" Hello marketing dept.