Now I have your attention Thank you Grand National. Mrs F. just won £185 . how much is that in $$$$$ will it get us on a may Boobs Cruise? :deadhorsethis one was my horse) :lotsofmichaelfs:
Is that GBP?? If so then it would be $306.475 in US dollars! And Yes..that would be enough to go on Boob cruise! :wink3:
Well done Mrs F, I think our holidays overlap by a few days we arrive on the 27th May so see you both around the pool. Cheers
National Congratulations Mrs F, brilliant result. boob cruise drinks on you !!. Where did Mr F's finish or is it still running like mine ???
You know... when you get a really fun, crazy group of like-minded drunken idiots going on the Boobs Cruise, Steve & Janet are with us, Chinos & omar are working the crowd up.. It'd be worth $500 US for that experience, just sayin'...