Hello there, I am taking my mother(70), daughter(15), and niece(18) to Cancun in June and we want to go to Xel-Ha. I was thinking about renting a car for one day and buying our tickets seperately. Can anyone give me some car rental estimates, so I know what I am looking at and if it is even worth it :?: Also, it will be just us 4 girls. Do you recommend us doing that :?: I did it years ago but I was not responsible for other people, only myself. Anyways - I will appreciate any advice you can give me. Thanks, EB
car rental we rented a car for the entire week in years past and I was a firm believer in it. However, last spring and again last fall, we didn't rent a car. I'm not sure I ever will again. The buses are great and if you wait till you get into town, you can rent a taxi for a little of nothing. We drove our rental car to XelHa a few years ago. We are thinking about going back to XelHa on our trip next week. If we do, we'll do one of the all-inclusive trips. You don't save that much money on the entrance if you drive yourself. Plus, driving through Puerto Morelos, PDC, etc.. in a rental car sure gives you some exposure to being stopped and ticketed (which you will more than likely have to pay right then and there before you're allowed on your way.) The rental cars are marked with huge letters and they are an easy target for both state and federal police (if they're running it you'll cross a federal checkpoint just south of the airport entrance toward Puerto Morelos. Use Brant Boston. . you'll not regret it.
A local company like Easyway or Caribbean have rates around 50 dollars per day for a small car with all insurance included. The best part is that you can get zero deductible insurance for that kind of rate too. I would much rather pay a few extra dollars for all-inclusive insurance just in case an accident happens. I am renting a car through Caribbean Rental Car this July for 8 or nine days. The rate ends up being just under 40 per day for the car we are renting. To me, renting a car is completely worth it. I like the freedom of being able to go where I want to, when I want to. If you have a car with you at X-Caret, you cant leave before the tour would leave or stay later if you feel like it. You could even stop somewhere along the way for lunch or dinner.
I rent every trip down. I always get a Jeep Wrangler and take the ride down to Playa Del Carmen with the top down and its a great trip. I would absolutely do it. I have never been stopped and never had to go through any check points. Just use common sense, drive like you would in any other town youve never been too, cautiously!!! thats all. Dont drive drunk and obey the laws. No reason to speed, especially if you want to take in the scenery. The jeep rental costs about $70 a day, however, it is a more expensive kind of car to rent because of the whole convertible thing and you will need to reserve one. And like Lambert said, with renting, you also make your own schedule, you can come and go as you please with no time limits.
Thanks guys! I just thought I would get some different views on it. I rented before and we stopped at cenote azul and some other places. It WAS a nice ride. I just did not know if there was any reason that I should not do it, with it being us four ladies. thanks, eb