i know they definatwly stopped doing it at patyos and were doing it at the sports pool during the day on i think thursdays (maybe a different day), but they have released the 2015 activities schedule for Temptation on their site and there is no longer a foam party listed at all.......so, even if there was one a few weeks ago, things may have changed in january.........i was looking forward to it too
The foam party is now done in the sports pool from about 1pm to 4pm on Thursdays. They have 2 or 3 mini stages with go-go girls dancing for our enjoyment! The DJ has a few monster speakers set-up to get the place thumping and they have a guy operating a foam gun that can reach completely across the pool. The pool will get almost completely covered with a foot or so of foam. The staff run around with squeeze bottles of drinks and give people the option to get totally polluted! We brought a few mini super soakers and ambushed each other throughout the party! You're gonna have a ball! I hope they don't change a thing between now and October! Joe
We need to hear from someone that has visited in the first two weeks of January. Is there a foam party in 2015?