Does this still happen? What day? When we were there last year we had a blast, and where wondering if this still happens cause we don't see it on Temptation website in the events page.
Activity Calendar [/URL][/IMG] I know some answers have been sent, but thought this might help us all. This is the calendar I if someone has one which is updated/changed, please attach and I will remove this post.
Except when it doesn't. We've just got back from 2 weeks holiday, the first week it happened, the second week it didn't, with no explanation, and no other entertainment to replace it :daisy:
[/URL][/IMG] This weeks activity calendar. I have not compared in detail to 2014, but it seems to pretty much stay the same. Keep in mind, these are the resort themes...the groups on CancunCare, "June Junkies" for example put their own spin on things, so watch for what your group is doing on dates you are going to be there.