Does anyone have any information about the Flyback program, are you happy or unhappy with it. Thank you
You get mixed reviews on this. Most if the complaints are that it takes a long time to get reimbursed, and that paperwork needs to be spot on. I don't understand the complaint that much though. If you are going every year, to me it would just be that money in a constant rotating state, and I wouldn't really care how long it took, as long as it kept coming.
It can be an add-on with the premier membership. It allows for you to get money back from your flights each year. I think it's like $500 a person.
God I hope your kidding, hahahaha. I don't really know everything, just a lot about things I really like and enjoy. And Temptation is one of them. I sit in front of 4 computer monitors all day and there is only so much computer code and numbers I can look at. So one monitor is typically a back and forth with this forum, Facebook, YouTube, Wikipedia,while an episode if Star Trek is playing in the background. (Please note you never see internet activity from me on the weekends. I don't even look at a computer, and half the time I don't even know where my phone is.)
Remember to send them a receipt that you received your payment. If you don't they can deny you the next year. Its in the fine print. We had to send three e-mails to get the money but we got it. It did take a lot longer than is in the contract but as Steve said as long as you get it the timing isn't really that much of an issue for us.
Reviving this thread, as it's been almost 9 months and our paperwork is still "in validation". Has anyone else seen it take even longer than before (6-7 months), or maybe a better question is if anyone has received money from 2024? I've long thought it was mostly a ponzi scheme, given the timing for reimbursements, but I'm hoping to get this again next year to break even.
In 2023 we received the money (they take a bunch for admin and transfer costs) in about four months. In 2024, it's been 6+ months and have not received anything yet. Its prob like many things, they hope you forget about it, but will push it through if you call.