well, seeing as ive been sick for a while, I had time last night to watch 3 movies ive been wanting to see for a while: Invincible: Based on the true story of Vince Papale, a normal bartender from Philadelphia in the 1970's who went to an open tryout for the Philadelphia Eagles and eventually made the roster. The movie stars Mark Wahlberg who ONCE AGAIN I dont have a bad thing to say about in this performance. Being a huge sports guy I have to appreciate the story about Papale and everything he went through, but this movie made me realize how difficult everything leading up to his big break actually was. Fletch's Movie Rating: 7 out of 10 Gridiron Gang: This one came on right after invincible so i wasnt too keen on seeing another football movie right off the bat, but I did anyway. This was another movie based on a true story of much different porportions. Gridiorn Gang told the story of a juvenile detention center, and their football team (comprised of rival gang members, murderers and robbers). Dwayne THE ROCK Johnson put on a heck of a performance in this movie beside his co-star rapper Xibit who also was pretty good. To my surprise, this movie was alot better and alot more emotional than I thought it would be. It told a great story and had bits of everything thrown in there. Overall a good film, I reccomend it to anyone who likes football movies, or just good stories in general. Fletch's Movie Rating: 1/2 7.5 out of 10 The Devils Rejects: COMPLETE opposite from the other two movies I watched earlier. This one had a piss poor storyline behind it, but for some reason I really enjoyed it. Maybe its because Im a mark for all kinds of gore and blood filled movies, because there really was nothing else to like haha. Anyway, it was C list acting at best and I think the movie was just made to gross people out. After all, it was directed by Rob Zombie There were alot of funny one liners and zingers thrown out in this movie which always make for good cinema. Well, Id only reccomend seeing it if you like movies about violence and killing and stuff of that nature, other than that I wouldnt really touch it if I were you. I on the other hand am hoping to find it in the movie store in the used DVD section for 5 dollars, then I might buy it because I promised a lady friend we can watch it because shes into that kinda stuff too. Fletch's Movie Rating: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: 1/2 a generous 5.5 out of 10
Yea i've seen all three and have to agree Invincible is good as is gridiron gang Devils rejects man your score is very generous i'd say like a 3 is lucky
Loved the Devils Rejects. Couldn't wait to see it when it came out. I have to admit though, part 1 was much better. Grid Iron Gang was OK. Reminded me to much of other football movies "rememebr the titan" , " WildCats", etc.... Invincible was pretty great. Not my fav but still a Great movie.
Fletch - Looks like we won't be agreeing on any movies on my CT visit. Hopefully our taste is shots doesn't differ as much... Devil's Rejects is a cult favorite... if you appreciate the B Type gore movies, which it sounds like your lady friend does...it's a Great Movie! Gridiron Gang... decent movie, overused storyline... not enough football to be called a sports movie. And as he always does, Rock ruined any chance this movie had of getting more than a 2/10 from me with his horrible acting. Invincible... Good movie. Great story.
Waste my friend, when it comes to the shots, if theres alcohol involve, I dont have much of a taste just pass me a shot glass and keep em comin"
I can respect that. My taste's in shots may be a little pickier, but it's nly because I've had to start worrying about hangovers in the last couple years. Can't wait... line 'em up!