We have booked and are super excited to go. First timers and really want to do Boobs Cruise. Having a difficult time seeing dates in the week we are there. And want to participate in theme nights too. Can't seem to easily find both of these in threads. Could be my phone. if you can help us out that would be great. Super excited to finally get to TTR and meet great people and let loose! !!!!
Check out the thread 'Juicy January Jamboree Week 2015 ' it will give you most of January. We will be there 21st - 28th . Look forward to seeing you there.
I'd say see ya there, however we have no idea what you look like...LOL so you will have to come find us... Cheers
http://www.cancuncare.com/forum/tem...-january-boobs-cruise-dates-announcement.html Looks like the cruise on the 26th is confirmed to run.
Juicy Jolly Ride January Jamboree 2015 Theme Nights, Official Enough for Me You'll be so sorry you came to this forum and are going to TTR that afterwards you will do it over and over again. Glad to have new people supporting the fun! Your weeks theme nights are completely covered here: Juicy Jolly Ride January Jamboree 2015 Theme Nights, Official Enough for Me Worst first trip regret is not having risky enough theme wear for the theme nights. Bring what you think you can handle and then something a little beyond your expectations to insure you get full enjoyment of each night! Be sure to introduce yourselves if we don't introduce ourselves first.